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ICE Pepe
ICE Pepe

I'll say, there's been a lot of right-wing infighting about this war. Some believe because of that Azov meme battalion that the Ukrainians are "based Christian nazis killing hordes of brown Asiatic Muslims" but they are not. Chechens are whiter than sour cream and both sides have been using Muslim and non-white mercenaries

A lot of others are saying "X side is lead by Jews, but Y side is lead by Jews too!".

There's the side who believes Putin all of the sudden created a war just to have White people kill other White people but this conflict has been going on since 2014 and those who believe Ukrainians have always been innocent freedom fighters who never committed war crimes hasn't been following it since the start.

There is who is anti-NATO but are anti-war too. It's overall a huge clusterfuck of ideologies going on here.

Just be sure you're not drinking too much kool-aid from either side, because there is a LOT of people being fooled by propaganda and fake news especially on "our" side


As I've mentioned before the horseshoe effect is the most apt description for the extremes of both the pro-Putin and Ukraine camps in this war.

Somehow, both sides of the authoritarian left and right are riding on Putin's dick because "mother Russia based" or "MSM/western liberal order bad" respectively. Conversely, some ignorant hardcore libertarians are buying into the silliest kind of Ukrainian propaganda and are making a lot of noise for a war they know very little about other than memes


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