Anon's Dad is a Chad | /r/Greentext | Greentext Stories | Know Your Meme
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172 Views Created 2 years ago By Reddit Moments • Updated 2 years ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated 2 years ago

05/27/22 (Fri)23:27:45 No.66937974 : Anonymous Chad Dad stories >be me many years ago >regular teenage kid going through teenage b------- >gf f---- some guy and dumps me >think it's the end of the world and don't know how to cope 227 KB JPG >Dad was a heavy smoker, smoked a pack or two a day >steal cigarettes from Dad and go up to the roof of my house and thinking smoking and crying like a beta would help me >Hear sound so chuck the c-- I lit up and hide the c-- packet behind me >Dad comes up to the roof. Looks at me and has his hands out with palm open >"give me the cigarettes Anon" >Act like I don't know what he's talking about >He moves me aside and finds them behind me >Sits down next to me and asks "why are you smoking son?" >tell him about what happened and start breaking down >say I took these because he always said he smoked because of stress and it helps >he starts off with "You's not the same thing...." >pauses for what seems like an eternity > "You know what? It's b-------. It doesn't help me and it won't help you" >crushes the entire c-------- box in his massive hand like it was paper >throws the lighter and it explodes > "I promise you I'll never touch another c-------- again and I want you to promise me you'll do the same" >he actually kept his word and quit smoking cold turkey >it's been 12 years since he smoked >Mfw he actually gave it up because he didn't want me to f--- myself up Going back to story >next day takes me to gym >"if you're angry then take it out in here" >I continue to lift and make good gains >fast forward 12 years, I.e now, my wife just delivered my child last month >see him holding my child in his arms and seeing his eyes light up like Christmas >still healthy as a horse I love you, you old bastard. Thanks for everything you done for me. Do you have a Chad Dad /fit/?
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