The Holy Trinity of Soycieties
Created by tristanwintle Jun 21, 2022 at 11:28PM EDT
the holy trinity of soy soyciety society soycieties societies idu international national nation democrat union meeting communist and worker workers work workers' party parties social socialism socialist communism progressive alliance conservative conservatives world economic economy forum council church churches imcwp wef wcc oikumene ecumenical oecumenical ecumenism oecumenism christian christianity liberal liberals you do know are two 2 completely different things thing right they had a heck heckin heckin' hecking schism schismerino schismerino! where is where's um umm ummm that's that not what means sweety sweaty read book new order nwo great reset boy wojak soyboy soyjak cuck soycuck cringe cabal cabals we truly true live life in
Origin Entry: Soy Boy Face / Soyjak
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File size: 364 KB
Soy Boy Face / Soyjak - The Holy Trinity of Soycieties
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