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Baalbuddy - Sorry guys, I had to get it off my chest. It's hard being out here alone, just trying to single-handedly save the anime industry.

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This is basically early-manga Tomoko Kuroki (except the smell, for a loser introvert she was surprisingly hygienic), where she's unkempt, empty-eyed, fashion-deficient, super-flat, internally a massive jerk, and actually pretty average and somewhat creepy (she was only physically cute when adapted into the anime).

But that was the early manga, because as the manga went on, she gained a friend circle that helped her grow better as a person. becoming cleaner, better-dressed, less dreary, kinder, and the art started intentionally making her cute and even physically appealing.

Amusingly, this image accurately describes fan response to that change, as plenty of the original readers actually complained about her getting her life together because she was less relatable to them.


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