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4chan - VideoGameDunkey in a nutshell

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>Anon goes to a grocery store
>He has established to many that he hates peanuts
>He looks around for food to buy, and decided to buy some cookies
>When he gets home, he discovers that the cookies are in fact, "peanut butter cookies."
>Anon is outraged, disgusted even by the fact that there are cookies with peanut butter in them
>Anon goes on a tirade, calling anyone who likes peanuts and peanut butter "weirdos"
>At every given opportunity, Anon continues to go out of his way to remind everyone around him that people who like peanuts are weirdos, even when never asked
>Anon has plenty of friends, and they don't want to risk upsetting him by challenging his beliefs, so they just play along and regurgitate many of the jokes he invented.
>Because if they do, Anon will inventively laugh it off and mock them too, sometimes for petty reasons, like the shirts they wear, or the fact that they like foods made by the same manufacturer that processes "peanuts."
>Anon gets by, being able to get away with building an empire off of entertaining people with his jokes, while never having to worry about being challenged, knowing his following and status has made him nigh-untouchable.

Moby The Duck
Moby The Duck

in reply to Rynjin

A 10 minute video nitpicking stuff from the latest Xenoblade game, a series he said he completely hates (anime, JRPG, characters, voices), where he before that said that "people will be angry with him", only for him to post unhidden spoilers with the game tag on Twitter and when people call him out on that, he goes "lol told you them mad at me".

Dunkey is a guy that will hate on JRPGs, nitpick their worst parts and call their fans stupid, but will suck Naughty Dog's dick for Uncharted and Last of Us, calling people stupid and nitpickers if they dislike or have any kind of problem with them.
His fans are incredibly rabid and will also suck his dick in pretty much every opportunity they have.

He unironically said Yakuza 0 was a mediocre game for having a bad plot, gameplay and confusing objectives (in a video where he nitpicks and puts stuff out of order so they appear confusing)


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