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Pandemic Amnesty - Please bro, I know we fired people from their jobs and exiled them from society bro, we didn't know bro

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in reply to Dr. Cave Johnson

Funny thing, but quarantine measures and so don't really make the pandemic shorter, but longer, and counterintituively this is a good thing.

The purpose of "flattening the curve" is not to end the pandemic quickly, but to prevent it from crushing society itself. Without measures everyone gets sick quickly, but a lot of sick people at the same time is horrible news. The healthcare gets overburdened, a lot of people that need treatment go without it, mortality rates see a sharp increase once healthcare becomes limited. With so many people sick basic services start to fail with no one to take care of them. Social unrest increaes tenfold. Violence and looting become more common, martial law has to be instated. I'm not even going to talk about the massive economic damage. The pandemic is over in a year or less because everyone that was going to get sick already did, but the toll of that year if much worse than the one we have paid and will pay overall.

Dr. Cave Johnson
Dr. Cave Johnson

in reply to krashlia

I am honestly out of patience for people who, from the beginning, refused to do even the bare minimum and then whined when things got worse and governments were forced to respond. As elaborated above, the long-term damage they did was far greater than any of the restrictions by a country mile.


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