A little something I got for Christmas, complete with fuzzy head and teefies | /r/BabyYoda
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Jan 12, 2023 at 03:24PM EST
yoda star wars the mandalorian disney+ disney plus jedi cute bird art paint organism paint art beak painting
Origin Entry: Baby Yoda / Grogu
File type: jpg
Resolution: (3024px x 4032px)
File size: 1.1 MB
We decided to make the child a festive child. He wants you to know that he’ll only accept valentines cards if they are not made out of paper, but instead just living frogs he can snac on. | /r/BabyYoda
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Baby Yoda / Grogu - A little something I got for Christmas, complete with fuzzy head and teefies | /r/BabyYoda
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