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Mega Man / Rockman - Never choose Robotics over the Internet, Worst Mistake of my Life

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It just hit me, the Battle Network/Star Force timeline is the one where their series have a conclusive happy ending.
While Classic Megaman series and the X series last game didn't end their stories, it was just a "the day is saved until the next game happens". While Legends and ZX never got the third game they needed to wrap up their story.
Yeah, the Zero series got a conclusive ending. But that's the only one out of 5 series. And Zero 4 wasn't even planned to be the final game. Zero 3 was supposted to have been the final game with another "the day is saved… for now".

Excitebot theLEGO
Excitebot theLEGO

In the entirety of Megaman, humans were such a rarity, even in the beginning with the classic series. Dr. Cossack and his daughter were the only new human characters we saw for quite some time in classic; Dr. Cain was pretty much the only onscreen human in the X series; and ironically, the most frequent human sightings were in the Zero series… Y'know, when they were really getting to be an endangered species.


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