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in reply to DongMinister

Sure, both games have elements of people ultimately being terrible, that the true architects of our downfall are the follies of man.

The difference is, in TLOU you play as arguably the worst people in the plot, doing terrible things for basically no comeuppance, learning nothing and gaining nothing, and the zombies are ultimately entirely ancillary to the plot.

In resident evil you punch a boulder to death and then eliminate all the people making things terrible, walking away satisfied, possibly with sunglasses after killing all the zombies which are the means by which negative influence has been applied to the world.

It's like saying Disgaea and Doom have the same attitude because they both involve fighting demons at some point.

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to DongMinister

Dead Rising is similar in that regard, a greedy company mass produced the queen of a rare type of wasp in order to make cattle larger (by infecting the cattle with the wasp, which also acts as a parasite by infecting other animals, so it'd basically be mind controlled by the wasp to just eat and eat to get fatter), but in the process created a wasp that could infect human hosts and turn them in to zombies (as alluded to in the last parenthesis, said wasps behave like cordyceps, they infect a host body, basically kill them, but still keep enough of the brain functioning so the wasps can use the body as an incubator and command it to keep seeking sustenance to create more).

Bodies controlled by said wasps even act as a very literal hive mind as one interesting mechanic in Dead Rising is by killing a queen near infected bodies it causes such a big negative reaction (most likely through pheromones of some kind) that it kills infected hosts near the queen that just got killed.

Carlito's motivation for the outbreak in the first game was revenge on the people who he felt was responsible for his home town being destroyed by a zombie outbreak and subsequent government cover up, namely "greedy fat Americans whose unending love of meat lead to the research to begin with" (fact the first game takes place in a mall was about as unsubtle as George Romero's reason for using a mall in Dawn of the Living Dead) and the doctor who created the queens that could infect humans.


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