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in reply to Quiet_boi

I used to have the BIONICLE Phantoka wallet.

Keywords being "used to" because that thing's made out of that terrible faux-leather that just instantly disintegrates the moment 2 years have passed, so it's just a mess that sits in the bottom of one of my drawers in a pile of it's own flakes.

Meanwhile, the hand-me-down leather wallet from the 50's I got afterwards is still in near perfect condition with only minor wear and tear on it despite having been used for three generations now.

And y'know what the worst part is? That damn faux-leather's everywhere these days. My headphones, my couch, my office chair, my jacket, they all just started flaking apart after 2 years and those damn flakes get everywhere and are damn near impossible to get rid of. And I can't just buy a new one to replace them, because the replacements all have that damn fake leather too! What the Hell happened to quality control? I swear this material is some sort of planned-obsolescence thing because I can't think of any other reason anyone that's not a Chinese sweatshop owner who's entire business model is dependent upon deceiving customers into purchasing defective products would continue using such a garbage material.


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