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Kill la Kill - This ship again, but with a color scheme switch! Even I have to admit, Nui looks damn good in black.

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Slade Wilson
Slade Wilson

in reply to Slade Wilson

No, actually, I won't kill her. Why do that? Why make her just, go to waste?

I'll go to wherever she may be, and put her to sleep. What ever method it takes, I'll make sure she'll be helplessly snoozing as I drag her into one of my hideouts. I'll have her taken to my medical facility, and I will begin to work on her, taking her brain and ripping out all memories she's ever had, leaving nothing left. When she wakes up, I will explain everything.Everything she's done, all the events she's caused, I'll tell her, and watch as she slowly breaks down emotionally, as she begins to develop natural emotions one would feel in a situation like that, such as guilt, regret, and loneliness, above all. I'll break her, make her cry as I show proof that she's a living monster, and no one will think otherwise. But, I will give her some hope, that she can be redeemed, as a new person, not as Nui Harime, but someone that can fight for a higher cause, hoping for a new, better life. And that new life can begin as I turn Ragyo's own dirty little assassin on herself. When Ragyo is dead and gone, I will take care of Nui to my best ability, making sure I don't make the same mistakes I have with my past children, erasing Nui Harime, and converting her into the someone that could have been if she hadn't been adopted by Ragyo.
Because, truly, no one deserves a mother like her.

Slade Wilson
Slade Wilson

Now I notice why I thought Nui looked good in that particular color…

She's sporting the black and orange, and hell, she's even missing an eye.
Well, it's not the same eye I'm missing, but still… I'm becoming too self-centered again.


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