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in reply to IkaNam The Incongruous

There are certainly arguments to be made for that. Hell, I barely play any Triple AAA games, most of my gaming is more indie focused, where games definitely are treated as more than just entertainment.

In fact, Child Of Light sure was a good game that came out recently, which involved a female protagonist. And guess who made that game? Ubisoft! Oh hey, what else does Ubisoft make? Assassin's Creed, the game series that recently got a bunch of flak for not having a female protagonist in their latest upcoming title? Wow, who would have thought?

Anyways, my point is that while I definitely would love to see more variety in characters and stories in the video gaming industry, Anita Sarkeesian is not the person to be spearheading those efforts. We deserve people who actually know what they're talking about, not some fraud who, as far as we can tell, has never actually played video games seriously before.

Having the loudest mouth should not qualify you as an authority on something like video game development, or anything else. Hell, Anita isn't even a writer, what does she really know about good character design? Jack shit, that's what.


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