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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

We live in an age where games do get patched, so I'm sure they'll iron out a few glitches in time. Hey Sonic Lost World was patched to fix a graphics glitch, and to re-add the "1-ups at 100 rings" mechanic, so Big Red Button could do the same here.

Also I don't feel like glitches alone are completely indicative of a game's overall quality. Games made by Bethesda tend to be glitchy as all hell, but yet they're still pretty fun to play.


in reply to Mistress Fortune

Uhm… I really don't want to defend Bethesda, but their games are much bigger so I can cut them some slack (Even if I think they're becoming more and more lazy with new Elder Scrolls, at least personally).

But anyway I hope they make patches, but I also hope that if those are done sometime, Sega actually makes some effort in comunicate that to the players, because I got really tired of saying that Lost World had a fix for the lives part whenever brought that in a conversation between friends.

Although I didn't thought there where so many problems in Boom… It's kinda discouraging.to pay for something that doesn't work like intended and there is no guarantee of being fixed most of the times…

It's really sad how frequent has become this problem in general since the beginning of this last gen.You can say that games are harder to do now, which is mostly true, but I could say that most of the times is just the companies wanting to make money as fast as they can, by imposing small development times or few resources or plain laziness.

Just look at the last Assasin's Creed, Unity, my god, it has problems up the ass.


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