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GamerGate - Ashley Phoenix-Claw Responds To Jezebel's Hit Piece

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Gentleman Quagsire
Gentleman Quagsire

"… I know that it's the mental health of a deranged INDIVIDUAL who rapes – not a hashtag."

There's hope in this world. Someone who actually knows that these things are an issue of mental health (people with ACTUAL mental problems, from either birth or a traumatic event, usually during childhood) and not waking up one day and deciding rape and murder are on the menu.

Lenny Guy
Lenny Guy

Strange how some feminists have criticized the gaming community for being exclusionary and elitist for saying things like: "She's not a real gamer", or: "She's doing it for attention", yet when this lady says something that aligns herself with a group that goes against their ideology, they say: "…that's a guy", "…fake woman", "I think Ashley is a man", or one even challenges her on a female-oriented concept. It's like they only respect women when they do something they like. I know there are reasonable feminists out there, but I find those comments to be extremely ironic and appallingly hypocritical.


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