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GamerGate - Another nuclear explosion from Campbell

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think about who these journos are going up against.

these people are going up against people who dedicate years of their lives to their projects. people who have deciphered the exceedingly complex language in which computers communicate and use that language to create entertainment, of all things. They can see this bullshit because they have deciphered far more obscure thinhs.

this is not to mention the people who chose a hobby in which they have been slandered for enjoying, who never gave up, have been practically TRAINED to never give up because losing is bogus, who adapt new strategies on the fly to deal with difficult situations.

and these slanderous writers, these incompetent fucks think they can damage us, after all we built, after all the slander and lies they have told about us for decades?

you should be laughing at the mere prospect of it.


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