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Both of it's downsides can be refuted.

Limited Content: Considering that it's a game that just came out do you really expect it to have DLC of Call of Duty proportions?

No voice chat: This may actually be an upside rather than a downside. Voice chat on shooters doesn't really matter considering that on games like this, unless you're going majorly competitive, the voice chat doesn't really help that much. It's more of a "FUCKIN' SHIT GET SHREKT SKRUB U WOT M8 I FUCKIN FITE U IN REAL LIFE" instead of relaying valuable information to your teammates.


Oh, I guarantee you the reviewer knows about the updates. That doesn’t change the fact that the game right now has limited content. At the time of the review, Turf War was the only available online mode, and given that this game’s focus is, without question, the online, that’s not very good. There’s also the current lack of private lobbies, which sucks major dick. Imagine if Smash had been released without private lobbies at first. I have severe doubts people would be okay with that.

Once all the content has been released, I'm dead certain Splatoon will be a worthy contender for GOTY, but without that content in existence… well, you can't consider it part of the package, as it's just not there yet.

But, I’ve gone over all this before, yet people here don’t seem to care because it’s a Nintendo game.


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