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in reply to Sir Lenny

It's only a bad thing if it's drawn upside down and has the image like that of a goat.

Otherwise, if the star is pointing up, that is – in most magical terms – to empower/strengthen. Pointing down is to siphon/weaken the target of the spell.

I'm not entirely sure of the accuracy of that, since I'm jut recalling what I've heard from a year or so back.


Okay, so people on both GG and aGG vandalized this drawing today. Here's what happened:

aGGer wrote "Boo this guy" on the side and wrote "dicks" underneath the GG logo.

GGer wrote "^butthurt" below the "Boo this guy" message.

Another GGer wrote "has big" next to "dicks" and "SJW" above the "boo this guy" message.

Another aGGer wrote "fuck GamerGate" or something like that.

I don't recall the latest message but I think it was pro-GG. I'll see what happens in the next two days.


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