12 Views Created October 08, 2014 By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023

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Bioshock Infinite Analysis: Piecing the Critical Puzzle

Origin Entry: BioShock


Published on May 19, 2013

Irrational and 2K Games' latest hit, BioShock Infinite has been met with a hell of a mixed response. From those claiming it's the greatest FPS since… well, the original Bioshock, to those claiming that Elizabeth is pure Waifu material. B-Mask of Cheshire Cat Studios takes all of these stances into account and analyses what we can glean from this -- and exactly how much Ken Levine's new attempt at philosophical debate with guns holds up to scrutiny.

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Irrational and 2K Games' latest hit, BioShock Infinite has been met with a hell of a mixed response. From those claiming it's the greatest FPS since… well, the original Bioshock, to those claiming that Elizabeth is pure Waifu material.

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