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Moderator General

Last posted Dec 06, 2011 at 04:36PM EST. Added Nov 02, 2011 at 03:54PM EDT
64 posts from 21 users

This is a thread where I will be interviewing the moderators of KYM, and posting the results here. I will be starting on one after I finish making this page and start coming up with questions.

And if you would like to ask a Moderator I have not asked yet, feel free to go ahead and do that.

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 03:56PM EDT

The first interview is with RandomMan. Also, for the sake of the interview, I'm making the interview side "KnowYourMods".

Me: Congratulations! You're my first interview!

(Some time later)

RM: Whoops, sorry. Stupid Icechat, it doesn't go "beep" when I get a request.

KYM: Ahh. So "not observant"… Got it.

RM: Pretty much, yeah.

KYM: What do you typically do as being a moderator?

RM: Not really that much different from what I did before. Some things I did became easier, I don't have to ask editorship anymore. But I always had an interest in memes, that's what made me interested in researching them. I do have to pay more attention now since I'm helping in operating a site, but that's not really difficult. And the feeling of deadpooling a meme "someone just made with his friends", nothing can top that.

KYM: What initially made you come to KYM?

RM:I don't really remember. I was a common visitor of Failblog and some other Cheezburger sites, but that was before KYM joined Cheezburger. I think I once searched for information for the Gary Oak meme, out of pure interest. It linked me to KYM. I noticed this site provides information to other memes as well, so I started lurking. After I while I joined, stayed silent for a while. After a while I got the hang of editing, and my edits only increased.

RM:Want my answers shorter?

KYM: No, you're fine.

RM: Ok.

KYM: How did you first react when you were told you were going to be an Entry Mod?

RM: Of course I was surprised, I didn't really see it coming. I joined 3 months before I was offered modship, so I still considered myself too much of a newfag. But then again, my edits already surpassed multiple mods. So in various ways, it made sense. But overall, I was very excited.

KYM:If you could confirm any meme that hasn't been already, what would it be?

RM: I'm checking the site for some

KYM: Take your time.

RM: Subcultures allowed?

KYM: Of course.

RM: Then I'd say the Pokémon subculture. The amount of memes this series had spawned is huge, the variation in it is also big and many of them are still very popular.

KYM: If you had the decision between being a Forum Mod and an Image Mod, what would you choose?

RM: Forum Mod, definitely. My activity on the forum has risen a lot since I first joined and it's something I visit quite often on the site. Plus there are media uploaders I believe are more suitable for Image Modship.

KYM: Ok, and my last question for you is this: Why aren't you as awesome as PimpAbra? Because trust me, you aren't.

RM: That only counts in the Pokémon world. In Abra's mind everything is pokeballs and teleports. But seriously, I don't know. Cuz he can ban and shit I guess.

RM: Don't post that last question.

KYM: Why?

RM: Because it's not really a question. But ok, if you want it posted, go ahead.

KYM: Abra told me to do it. If I don't, he'll hurt me again…

RM: Prepare your anus.

KYM: Well I guess that concludes our interview. Thanks for your time, Random.

RM: Glad I could help.

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 04:29PM EDT

Needs moar RandomMan. He's too cool. And DPF. And Tomberry. And Pimp Abra. And The Terminatrix (I think that's his name. Still haven't visited that blog yet…)

I'd actually like it if some of the really old and "special" active users could have interviews as well. Like, I see and read from Kalmo all of the time, so I know why he's awesome, but I have little to no idea about Olivia or other users.
That might be a little outside of your scope and more trouble for you than what it's worth (considering I could just go through a user's activity,) but…

…that's thousands of forum posts, not counting comments, editorships, and photo and video uploads to go through…it'd be nice to read a quick interview like this.

@Verbose His name is now Nimrod. Just say Brucker and everyone will know who you're referring to.

Question suggestions:
Does mods need to discuss whether to confirm an entry or not?
Can an entry be de-confirmed?

pug on toast wrote:

@Verbose His name is now Nimrod. Just say Brucker and everyone will know who you're referring to.

Question suggestions:
Does mods need to discuss whether to confirm an entry or not?
Can an entry be de-confirmed?

Actually, I can just answer this myself.

Yes, mods normally discuss whether something should be confirmed or not, although we usually go through an admin before we go ahead and confirm something. It's pretty informal, usually.

Yes, entries can be de-confirmed, and have been in the past, due to incomplete or false information. That happened with the Bel-Air entry a while back, and was re-confirmed after open-editorship filled in information and cleaned up the entry. The entries that are removed tend to be the older ones that were confirmed back when there were less restrictions on what was confirmed and what wasn't, when the information wasn't there on something that was obviously a meme.

Here is the next exclusive interview with our very own Amanda.

AB: Hey if you want to send me questions while I'm working on stuff, you can do that!

KYM: Sure. To start off, what's a typical day in the KYM Office?

AB: Well for me, I get there a little early and plan out my Tumblr posts for the day. After that, we all get some entries to work on and I start researching and digging around for good videos and images for the frontpage. I also keep an eye on twitter/tumblr notes to see what people are saying about the site and respond when I can.

KYM: How did you get to be a member of the staff? Did it take a long time for them to respond back to you?

AB: Way back in the fall of 09, I found the site and absolutely fell in love with what they were trying to do. I forget exactly how, but I think it may have been from encyclopedia dramatica talking shit about it, haha. I sent them an email telling them I was studying internets and was really interested in helping out the site, interviewing a couple times which eventually turned into an internship in the summer of 2010. I finished my degree in Summer 2011 which just happened to coincide with a position opening up at KYM - it was totally perfect timing.

AB: Sorry that took so long!

KYM: That's OK. "Easily distracted"… Check.

AB: Brad sent me notes for an entry we are trying to get up on the front page asap.

KYM: Who is your favorite co-worker/who do you work with best?

AB: That one is impossible! Tn the content side, Don and Brad are both really awesome and I like working with them both. We all have different strengths that work together to make a really awesome team, imo. James is also really awesome although I don't work with him as much.

KYM: Is there any advice you would like to give to other users that might want to follow a career in Internet Cultures?

AB: Ohhh man this is tough. Stay on top of as much information as you can, you're going to have to dig through a lot of bad stuff to find the good stuff. Talk to people and start thinking out of the box. Get involved with people who are making waves. and when in doubt, cats.

KYM: Sounds like a lot of good stuff there. To finish up, what is your favorite part about your job?

AB: Honestly? Everything. I didn't know what i wanted to do for a really long time but man, I've always loved cat macros. I'm still kind of in disbelief that I managed to get a masters degree by looking at people making fun of other people on the internets and am now getting the chance to put all of that into practice in a place that matters. I am completely in love with everything about KYM.

KYM: Great! That concludes our interview. Thanks for your time to answer.

Amanda: Thanks Kalmo!

drpepperfan with his ahem interesting interview.

KYM: Hey DPF. Mind if I interview you for Moderator General?

DPF: Yes, but not right now. I'm going to the toilet. Be back in 5 minutes. Maybe 10.

KYM: OK then.

DPF: I had rice.

20 minutes later

DPF: I'm finished.

Kalmo: OK, then we can continue. So as a start-up question, how many images on average do you upload every day?

DPF: Well, that can depend, depending on what i work on. If I'm not focused on a page, I may add, like, 3-5 pics a day. If I'm working on something and go digging for images, it can be from, what, 20-40 images per meme. I'm up to 3891 so far, which is nice.

Kalmo: To go on from there, how many memes do you work on per week?

DPF: Hmmmmmm… Nowadays, with University being a thing that exists sigh I guess I try and work on at least one meme a week. Two if I'm lucky. I don't really have the time to work on a dozen a week like I used to. Oh how the times have changed. Weeps

KYM: Still on the subject of memes, what is your favorite meme that you have worked on/gotten confirmed?

DPF: For nostalgic purposes only, I would go with 50 Cent Drive-by. That was the first quality meme page I helped create, and when Don and others started working on it and featuring it. That was what inspired me. I'd helped in same way with the site, and wanted to help more. So I worked on other memes and pages, and eventually, 50 cent got confirmed. That was the first confirmed meme I submitted, and it was a nice day. Other fav pages I've made so far are Kyubey (a great example of a group collab), Homestuck, and Ooh Mr Darcy.

KYM: Now onto a very pressing matter.

DPF: Gasp I'm scared.

KYM: Yes, it's just that intense. What is your standing on the marketing of Dr. Pepper 10?

DPF: Hahaha. Is that the infamous not for girls one?

KYM: I believe so.

DPF: I think it was very misguided. they were clearly attempting to create a viral campaign appealing to men. It was their Old Spice, but they removed the awesome god liek power of the Old Spice Man, the humour and awesomeness of it all, and replaced it with sexism. It was kind of hilarious, in a "Jesus Christ, how stupid are you" way. I've never drunk it btw. Being from the UK and all, they should have jut stuck with the "What's the worst that could happen" campaign. So in summary, it was a mistake. A mistake. A big ****ing mistake. But a hilarious one.

KYM: To end this interview, is there anything you would like to say to the readers or any questions you might have for me?

DPF: To the readers I say, "Sup?" To you I say, "What's your favourite Zelda?"

KYM: Ocarina of Time, durr. That concludes our interview. Thanks DPF!

DPF: Majora's Mask is better…

Kalmo: YOU BI-

Interview Terminated

PimpAbra's turn.

KYM: So ready to start our little interview?

PA: We can do whatever. If you send me the questions, I could write out responses or we could do it here.

KYM: I'd prefer here.

PA: It ain't no thang. Mmk.

KYM: So to begin, what are the good/bad qualities of being a Forum Mod?

PA: To be a forum mod, one really has to try to be as fair as they can be, which means letting some threads stay even if you don't like them, and closing others that you do like. A good quality to have is to think twice before doing anything, especially if it involves editing or deleting someone else's post, as you can't take back those actions. One must think of the consequences of their actions before doing them. A bad quality would be discriminating against users by unfairly deleting or editing their posts or closing threads because you disagree with them. If a thread isn't generating anything of vast quality, it comes down to a question of whether users are enjoying the thread, and one must be able to make those decisions and stick by them.

KYM: Speaking of good qualities, are there any users of the site that remind you of yourself when you first joined?

PA: Well, for the longest time, I'd say Omomon and I were quite a lot alike. We aren't the most popular users, but we try to help out and not troll or be flamey. After he made his second account, anyway. I'm not sure who is most like myself when I joined currently, as I mostly lurked. So, whoever lurks a lot, I suppose.

KYM: What moment made you the most proud being a Forum Mod/What gives you the most joy?

PA: What really brought me the most joy through this site, besides all the people I get to hang out and talk to, is keeping threads, entries and the site clean from spam and other undesirable postings, and making threads and entries for other people to read and hopefully laugh along with. I enjoy pleasing other people a lot, so that's what I've tried to base my modship around, being friendly, helpful, and giving whatever I can to make the site a good place

KYM: Now then, if there was one thing that you could do to KYM, and no one could ever change it, what would it be?

PA: Hmm. I'd follow the wise words of Captain_Blubber and keep all the bitches sorted. I'd sort those bitches good. I'd also keep all the images free from watermarks forever. That's one thing I like a lot on the site.

KYM: As my last question for this interview, why aren’t you as awesome as PimpAbra? Because trust me, you aren’t.

PA: You know, PimpAbra is a pretty cool dude, there is no denying that, but I would have to say that I'm not as awesome as him because Pokemon is a pretty cool guy. Eh uses teleport and doesn't afraind of anything.

KYM: Great to know! Is there anything you'd like to add before we sign off?

PA: I'd like to add 523 and 789 but I'm not in a high enough level math to do that yet. I think it's at least 900.

KYM: I guess that goes to show that moderators are pretty, not smart. Thanks for your time, Pimp.

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 09:24PM EDT

rapturjesus wrote:

Ask them why I cant post bacon in the pony thread over and over and over and over and over again

Let's make a deal RaptrJesus. You can post bacon outside the Bacon thread so long as we can post ponies in the bacon thread. Deal?

Yaaaaaaaaaaay orivia!

KYM: Hi orivia! I'm ready whenever you are.

O: HIIII! My roomate is talking about people dying on a megabus, but yeah I'm ready. As is my body.

KYM: Great. How long have you been a part of the KYM family?

O: Uhhhh I joined in summer of 2009, so two years? Maths.

KYM: And is that about the same amount of time that you've been on the team?

O: Yes, I joined after getting hired, oops.

KYM: That's fine.

O: Found a magical listing on Craigslist for a site I'd never heard of, visited it, it was awesome. Went on an interview a little later with Jamie Dubs and Greg, was hired, made shirts. It was coooool.

KYM: Now in less than ten words, how would you describe the experience of working with people like James and Ben?

O: they're so different, I'll give them five words apiece? Haha. JAMES: AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME, AND BALLER. BEN: COOL, NICE, SURE, YEAH, DUDE.

KYM: Were you for or against being bought out by CheezBurger?

O: At first, I was worried by what might change due to Cheez's reputation, but, as things went on with Rocketboom, and we got to know Ben Huh & the rest of the team more, I realized it was the best fit possible. Under RB, we might have disappeared entirely.I also realized that BH wouldn't buy the site if it wasn't already pretty awesome, and would probably try to leave it as intact as it made sense. Like, if he really wanted to change KYM drastically enough, he probably would have just tried to make his own copycat with his own ideas in mind. I'm pretty happy to see how stabilizing the Cheez has been for KYM both for the staff and the site.

KYM: How difficult was it to have to leave the KYM staff because of a move in HQ?

O: It sucked. it breaks my heart to this day that I had to go, but I'm doing some pretty cool things now that have been beneficial. One thing that's cool for me personally is that I'm working with companies that are a bit more design-oriented so I can grow my skills with people who are more experienced in my field.

KYM: If you had the choice from everything that had to do with KYM, joining, working, and unfortunately leaving, would there be anything you would change?

O: Toughie. I think I would expand the kind of content that gets covered. I think the KYM model of covering information is kindof unique, and I'd be interested to see it applied to tons of other fields. I'd also be interested to see how KYM would cover bigger ideas. Like, what if we had an entry that just talked about Social Media in general? The idea of web 2.0? Or streaming technology? Still Internet related, still "memes" of course (because everything is a meme) but less directly associated with the more common understanding of what memes are and what we cover.

KYM: Dialogue from someone truly passionate about their work. As one final question for this interview, how often do you use capslocks in your life?

O: NOT OFTEN ENOUGH BRA! CAPSLOCK IS AWESOME! The type nerd in me wants ot be able to use small caps on the Internets, with the addition of webfonts this is more plausible but I'd love to be able to be fancy and use them here. Ligatures, too. I would boner so hard if I could use an ffl ligature in IRC.

KYM: I'm sure just about everyone would. Thanks for your time orivia! It's been fun.

O: Yaaaaay. Anytime bro.

KYM: Up next, smooth jazz with Drpepperfan.

O: Yes.

In case anyone was wondering, this is a ligature:

Typographers combine letters that are commonly found together and that might collide into a single character. "fi" is the best example, as the overhang from the f collides with the dot over the i, creating a very awkward shape. When read at a small size (as in book type) this becomes difficult to read. Also, when printing, the close bulb of the f with the dot of the i might cause an excess of ink to collect between the two, creating a smudgy and illegible character. And so a new piece would be cut for the more pleasing shape:

As for small caps, that's this thing you might have encountered in your English class…

…where there are majuscule letters specifically designed to fit within the body of minuscule type, usually at the x-height. These aren't just shrunken capital letters, they're capital letters designed to be tiny and fit within the body of lowercase! They're beautiful. Most typefaces don't have them. SIGH. If only.

Last edited Nov 02, 2011 at 09:59PM EDT

burning_phoneix wrote:

Let's make a deal RaptrJesus. You can post bacon outside the Bacon thread so long as we can post ponies in the bacon thread. Deal?

Deal. As long as its okay with Abra, cuz that dick will ban me.

rapturjesus wrote:

Deal. As long as its okay with Abra, cuz that dick will ban me.

PLEASE stop posting in my thread with irrelevant things. Post it over KYM mail.

Copied from this thread

Mod List:
Captain Blubber
Jostin Asuncion
Shadowfury / Fandroid
Watcher (for some reason he's not a mod anymore)
Christopher the Pimp Abra
Trick Lobo
Jumpstyler / Sav
Brucker / Every name ever
Jack Candle
Syndic / DrPepperfanfan (for obvious reasons)


Nic Cage Fans:

I didn't count the scientists because I'll just lose count……..
EDIT: Got it, Kalmo.

Last edited Nov 03, 2011 at 10:48PM EDT

pug on toast wrote:

Copied from this thread

Mod List:
Captain Blubber
Jostin Asuncion
Shadowfury / Fandroid
Watcher (for some reason he's not a mod anymore)
Christopher the Pimp Abra
Trick Lobo
Jumpstyler / Sav
Brucker / Every name ever
Jack Candle
Syndic / DrPepperfanfan (for obvious reasons)


Nic Cage Fans:

I didn't count the scientists because I'll just lose count……..
EDIT: Got it, Kalmo.

I am going to include Admins and Scientists. I got Don to agree for one this weekend and he's going to ask Ben. I've also messaged Jamie Dubs and am eagerly waiting his reply. And I'm going to try to get a surprise interview if possible. I can't tell you guys yet, though.

Last edited Nov 03, 2011 at 10:48PM EDT

Trick-Lobo is next, since Blubber hates me.

KYM: I'm ready whenever you are, Trick.

TL: I've been here. I've got my gear on and everything.

KYM: Great. Let's do this then.

TL: Awesome. Today was a great day to wear my batman panties.

KYM: Hawt… To begin, what made you join KYM?

TL: My brother made me join. The account was originally his to begin with. I just got the leftovers when he got bored with the site. KYM got me hooked on internet culture and I haven't turned back since. That jerk.

KYM: What were you like before you were made a moderator?

TL: I was just another sporty chick. That's all. I only was ever on the internet for school and youtube. I used to have facebook, but I didn't see the point in it, so it just sat there. Now I'm a GRADE A LURKER. Fuck, I'm so good at lurking, I don't have my own accounts for almost anything. deviantART, tumblr, etc…. I always use someone else's.

KYM: And long did it take for KYM to invite you for mod?

TL: Let's see… I believe I took over this account in September/October? So about three-four months? I was in the Philippines with my family when I got asked to be a mod.

KYM: Awesome. Now, what is your favorite part of being a mod?

TL: Deadooling entries. It makes me feel… powerful.

KYM: With the recent spike in forced memes, do you believe there is still hope for more quality to rise up?

TL: The thing is, the internet culture is the new pop culture. It doesn't matter if memes are forced or not, all that matters is what catches on. "Quality" of memes? Don't make me laugh. A lot of the "really good" memes are terrible to begin with, they just get blown up to a point where you can't help but laugh at them even if you facepalm'd so fucking hard at them in the beginning. The only people who would whine that memes are "not good anymore" are losers who have nothing better to do than be online all the time. But then again, beuaty is in the eye of the beholder. I guess that stands for memes also.

KYM: From your direct definition, what do you think a meme is?

TL: A meme is any idea that catches on and mutates. Anything can be a meme. But of course, we try to only mention the notable ones.

KYM: Thanks. This has been really helpful. Now are there any comments that you'd like to add?

TL: Yeah, KYM community, don't be ****tards.

KYM: Thanks for the time, Trick. This was a nice interview.

TL: I'm just glad that you had the decency not to talk about unmentionables.

KYM: Show me your boobs.

TL: No.

KYM: Oh well. There's always next time.

TL: Also, screenshotted so you can't claim you didn't ask.

KYM: I'm including it, lol.



Last edited Nov 04, 2011 at 07:59PM EDT

Blubber is next, since he hates me.

KYM: Ok, let's do this shit.

CB: Ugh, ok. But bring your game. I'm furious.

KYM: First question: How pissed are you at me for making you wait 4 hours for this interview?

CB: … Pretty mad. I mean you never said "Come back later, I'll interview you at (time)". You left. Without a word. And came back, and then you were like "I'm Kalmo and I gotta touch my bird. BRB". And then you came back "brb i gonna go download 60 gigs of pony erotic fiction", and it wears on a guy you know? I'm doing this for you Kalmo because I understand I'm you're hero and that you want to be just like me and I want to help but you make it hard to help you…
That mad.

KYM: Second question: I'm sorry I hurt you so bad.

CB: That's not a question you ****tarded **********. This interview has already gone to shit. This is off the rails.

KYM: Third question: Do you like being a mod?

CB:Being a mod is okay because you neat cool people and rat pricks like Kalmo.

KYM: Do you wish that you could spend more time on KYM like you used to?

CB: No. Absolutely not.

KYM: Why?

CB: If anything i want to spend no time here at all. It really is getting rather tough to continue to enjoy myself on this site. I mean I've lost all interest in researching, the forums are a tough read IRC is usually dead but I feel that i have a responsibility to try my best to make KYM as entertaining as it can be so I stay and really I don't think anyone is better off for it.

KYM: If you could do one thing on KYM, no matter what it was, and you didn't get in trouble for it at all, what would it be?

CB: Oh baby…

KYM: Besides ban me, or else we couldn't post this interview.

CB: Eugh. I would probably ban anyone for basically nothing. I would ban people for disagreeing with me. I would ban people for agreeing with me and being a kiss-ass. I would ban people for being bronies or for liking anime or just spelling shit wrong.

KYM: So basically existing?

CB: Not even that. I would put a ban on the people who just signed up. I mean I would be like "Believe me, leave this place so I can leave, then you can come back. I don't give a fuck". Yeah.

*KYM: Also, since this is a big topic of debate, what are your feelings towards the KYM v. Brony war going on?

CB: On one side you have stupid faggots who watch a cartoon for little girls and live it and breathe it and care deeply about it. And on the other side are equally stupid faggots who don't understand it's the fucking internet. why do you care what other people do? I mean sure they are disgusting sub-humans but you aren't better, you internet neanderthal knight fighting your battles in cyberspaces over whether or not a cartoon is good or not or if it's fanbase is annoying because it's a stupid debate for people who can't debate real shit. Like imagine two retards shitting all over each other and rubbing their own shit on each others faces and this being broadcast on international TV where anyone who cares enough and has a TV can watch them and they think "Those retards are really going at it". Then they do something else cause it's boring after a while.

KYM: Well. I'm gonna be honest. This has been my favorite interview by far. Do you have anything you want to add and tell everyone else?

CB: OK, listen up everyone. I want you to know I think you guys are cool ****ing cats like serious. Even Kalmo. I think that you guys are nice people who have diverse talents and I want to high five everyone of you. No matter what I say or do, I really and truly think that KYM is one of the better communities. I know that some times you guys make weird circle-jerky threads like "post a picture thread", "don't think just post", "mention me in your post thread", "hey guys let's speak gibberish" and it drives me up the wall that these threads drown out other threads. As long as you're having a good time there's nothing wrong. I mean the internet is not like real life. If you aren't enjoying yourself you can just go somewhere new. No problem (Unless you have a responsibility. Then don't leave. You have a job to do, mother****)

KYM: That was highly amazing. Don't ever change Blubber, or else I'm pretty sure we'll all kill ourselves.

CB: Don't tell me this. I don't want your blood on my hands.

KYM: Ok. I won't tell you that we will all murder each other if you leave.

CB: I hate you Kalmo. H-A-T-E. I wanna go to bed.

KYM: I love you too, Blubbs. Thanks for the interview.

CB: You're welcome. I still don't know why you wanted to interview me.

KYM: 'Cuz you're like awesome.

CB: So they say…

Last edited Nov 04, 2011 at 09:43PM EDT

Olivia Gulin wrote:

In case anyone was wondering, this is a ligature:

Typographers combine letters that are commonly found together and that might collide into a single character. "fi" is the best example, as the overhang from the f collides with the dot over the i, creating a very awkward shape. When read at a small size (as in book type) this becomes difficult to read. Also, when printing, the close bulb of the f with the dot of the i might cause an excess of ink to collect between the two, creating a smudgy and illegible character. And so a new piece would be cut for the more pleasing shape:

As for small caps, that's this thing you might have encountered in your English class…

…where there are majuscule letters specifically designed to fit within the body of minuscule type, usually at the x-height. These aren't just shrunken capital letters, they're capital letters designed to be tiny and fit within the body of lowercase! They're beautiful. Most typefaces don't have them. SIGH. If only.

Oh! As a typography enthusiast, I was well aware of ligatures, but I was not aware that small caps "aren’t just shrunken capital letters". Do you have an example of what you mean by this? (Or maybe I am seeing it in the capital I above, not sure…)

Fandroid will be the only interview for today.

FD: I have time for the interview now.

KYM: Sure. Sounds good. To start off, why did you first join KYM?

FD: I was browsing around Youtube and found a video from KYM. I started browsing the site and decided that KYM would be my new Internet home.

KYM: How did you come up with your username?

FD: My username is based on Google's Android mobile operating system. I am infatuated with Android, and decided that I would combine the words "fan" and "Android" to make my username.

KYM: What is the most satisfying part, to you, of being a moderator?

FD: I love knowing that I help make the site a better place. I help resolve disputes in the forums, make sure that they are clean and free of flame wars, spam, and rule-breaking content. I also assist in managing the images on the site, getting rid of porn, duplicates, and irrelevant images. Also, the feeling of deleting spam is quite a rush.

KYM: With KYM growing in online acknowledgement, are there any hopes you have for the newly arriving users?

FD: I hope to see inspired new users that will continue to make KYM the best and most reliable source of internet culture documentation. I also hope that they will perpetuate the quality of the community. You guys are awesome!

KYM: Is there anything you would like to add, or change to KYM?

FD: I would like to implement the new features that have been requested in the suggestions thread. I think that these new features would make the site easier and more satisfying to users.

KYM: Finally, are there any comments you'd like to add for the users reading this interview?

FD: Keep being awesome. And remember, I am watching you. Nah, just joking. Or maybe I'm not!

KYM: Thansk for the interview, Fandroid! I hope this helps a lot of users understand you and other mods alike.

FD: But seriously, I'm not that cynical.

KYM: "Clinically cynical." Check.

FD: You and your checks.

KYM: Laugh Track

Next is our very own Hiroman!

HM: Yo Kalmo so I heard you wanted an interview?

KYM: It's a good time for me, so sure!

HM: Aight! Bring it on.

KYM: Ok, so how do you feel being a moderator?

HM: (no intro or anything lol)

KYM: Oh no, I am including that whole "You say you're ready." I mean, yeah you don't get one. Because we all hate you.

HM: Oh too bad, lol. Haters gonna hate. Well, answering your question, I feel being a mod is kind of a responsibility. Before, I didn't submit a pile of entries. Mind you, I wanted to have rather good standards. Now, well, I feel the commitment of not only submitting good entries, but helping the site overall. I like this responsibility, though.

KYM: How many entries have you worked on since you were admitted?

HM: Hard to tell. Do deadpooled entries count?

KYM: No.

HM: Of course, my deadpooled entries are because I deadpooled them lol. Ok let me check. (A few moments later) I have worked in about 30.

KYM: Wow. That's quite a few.

HM: Quality over quantity, my friend.

KYM: Continuing, what entries do you feel the most proud of?

HM: Obviously, the ones I authored that get frontpaged. For example, the Hokuto Hyakuretsu-ken / "AH TATATATATATA", Birds with Arms, and others. Some like the Madoka and Wonder Drug entries have a special place in my heart, along with the numerous Touhou ones.

KYM: You don't seem to post in the forums quite as often. What have you been up to?

HM: Sometimes IRL tasks catch up, but sincerely I did not notice that I posted in the forums less often. But, now that you mention it, maybe before, when coming to KYM before being a mod, I only lurked and checked the forums. Now, I am checking which entries need revamps and also checking the numerous (yes, a lot) of suggestions we receive. I try to read them all and then apply corrections ASAP. So, you might say that my KYM forum time might have been reduced.

KYM: Memes these days seem more and more media based. They used to be inside jokes that not many internet users knew of. Do you feel there is still hope for originality, instead of dozens of deadpooled entries to burn in order to keep us warm in the Winter?

HM: I do believe that there will always be hope for originality, because IMHO more people will get involved in creating content. Yes, there will be more junk and derivatives, but among those numerous "creations" based on mainstream media, some might be gems. Take, for example, the Yo Dawg or Inception comics. Media based? Of course. Lulzy? For me, yes.

KYM: Is there any type of advice you would like to give to users who may want to become entry moderators (even though it isn't a real title).

HM: Watch over quality and take suggestions constructively. Modship comes with responsibility and an image to take care of. Also, the search for truth is more important than self-ego, because we don't want wrong or embarrassing facts in these entries. And lastly, have fun with memes. They can make your day.

KYM: Well I think that just about wraps up our interview. Thanks for your time, Hiroman!

HM: No problem! It was a pleasure. Keep on lurking.

Last edited Nov 06, 2011 at 03:04PM EST

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

Haha, if there's enough demand for a Troll King interview, I'll consider tryng to get one with him.

I agree with this.

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

Haha, if there's enough demand for a Troll King interview, I'll consider tryng to get one with him.

I want to know about all of the older users. Not just the mods. The activity is too much to go through, and I can't get a good grasp on everyone in the forums even after posting in all of the threads for a while. I really like Sweatie Killer and RussianFedora, and I kinda feel like I know them, but only a few others outside of the Pony General thread.

But then again I could just do interviews myself, but I'm not that well-known just yet.

Which includes (and perhaps specifies,) Troll Kind and Katie Starshine, because they've avoided the Golden Banhammer of Eternity after having so much bad kramas.

Verbose wrote:

I want to know about all of the older users. Not just the mods. The activity is too much to go through, and I can't get a good grasp on everyone in the forums even after posting in all of the threads for a while. I really like Sweatie Killer and RussianFedora, and I kinda feel like I know them, but only a few others outside of the Pony General thread.

But then again I could just do interviews myself, but I'm not that well-known just yet.

Which includes (and perhaps specifies,) Troll Kind and Katie Starshine, because they've avoided the Golden Banhammer of Eternity after having so much bad kramas.

After I'm done with moderators I'm most likely going to switch to older users and go down the line. But in this thread, I am not going to include any interviews from non-moderators. If anyone would like to do interviews themselves, they can make a new thread if it does not include a moderator.

Just a heads up, I'm unable to connect to the IRC here on campus, so you can send me the questions in a message.

Also, a message for KYM in general. I'm sorry for not being more active lately.

College is hard.

Doc wrote:

Just a heads up, I'm unable to connect to the IRC here on campus, so you can send me the questions in a message.

Also, a message for KYM in general. I'm sorry for not being more active lately.

College is hard.

I'll try and hop on IRC more often as chances arise, although I think you really blew your best chance at getting my interview yesterday. Anyway, great job so far!

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