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KYM Pony General V: We Just Don't Know What Went Wrong

Last posted Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT. Added Feb 19, 2012 at 11:27PM EST
9926 posts from 193 users

Anyone see the new Friendship is Witchcraft episode?

They keep getting longer and longer, and this one is almost full episode length. Sort of reminds of Yugioh Abridged where the episodes started at like 5 minutes but got longer as the creator got lazier and lazier (both with making new episodes and the jokes).

I've got to say, this one doesn't feel like a FiM episode at all. It lacks the witty humour found in the others, and relies heavily on absurd voices and randomness instead. The script just wasn't that good I guess. Jenny Nicholson is actually a pretty great voice actor… at first. Like at the beginning, when she did the Spike voice, it sounded almost exactly like the real one. But she got lazy and started to drift away after a while. With some practice and focus, I'm sure she could be up there with Tara Strong and Jennifer Hale.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the series and that episode. I hope that one was just a low point, and that SherclopPones will continue pumping out those smart and funny puns and wordplay.

Image time?

At the risk of sounding even slower than I already am, I just noticed something.
Tara Strong does Timmy in Fairly Oddparents right? And he has a crush on Trixie.
Tara Strong does Twilight in FiM as well. So by the transitive property, Twilight x Trixie is canon!
I think.

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

Damnit, why does HDD suddenly have to toy with my emotions?

Edit: May have to open in a new tab.

Wow this shit is getting so interesting…
When do you think appjack- err jappleack is going to finally start taking questions?

Resident evil
Left for dead
I started tf2 again ( not like a really ever played it much to begin with)

Question: what would be the weirdest possible thing that a brony could do with his MLP toys?

I've given this a lot of thought( the ten minutes it took me to drive home from the gas station) and I think it would be very weird if someone bathed with their MLP toys and used their "you know what" as a diving board for his little pony friends. Pretty weird huh!

I bet everyone here with pony toys and a wee wee is gonna try this next time they bathe!

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 12:00AM EDT

Chris wrote:

So, what are your favorite videogames?

So, off topic.

I haven't play video games for a while, but here's some off the top of my head.
Pokémon Crystal
Pokémon Soul Silver
Pokemon White
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Perfect Dark
Shadow of the Colossus
LoZ Wind Waker

@dac: Hey! What if you don't have a wee wee?

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 02:37AM EDT

No! Why did you ask that! You made me think about it, but I think I know What the opposite sex can do with their ponies in the bath tub. Under water cave exploration! Or you could just pretend you are a kangaroo and carry around your pony(s) in your …. who ha

Dac wrote:

No! Why did you ask that! You made me think about it, but I think I know What the opposite sex can do with their ponies in the bath tub. Under water cave exploration! Or you could just pretend you are a kangaroo and carry around your pony(s) in your …. who ha

In the words of the great opspe: "I will castrate you with a butter knife."

Start running.

Favourite videogames? I'm in!

First of all, Chrono Trigger, which is my alltime favourite game. No other words needed.

Second, Gunstar Heroes. One of the best games ever. Especially on co-op with a friend.

Third, The Elder Scrolls series. Every single one I've played managed to consume hundreds of hours of my free time. Skyrim hasn't done that just yet, but I'm getting there. I also liked playing with the TES Consturction Set on Morrowind, but unfortunately my noexistent scripting abilities prevented me from doing anything I REALLY wanted to do. I had to go with weapon edits and map construction.

Fourth would be the, Forza Motorsports series. Aside from TES games, Forza has also been able to consume a large chunk of my free time. Ironically enough, I play the games with a pad controller on the hardest difficulty (though sometimes I have to change A.I difficulty a bit).

Sorry dac, but I can't challenge you, since I don't have XBox Live and fast internet connection. I'm quite handy with the decals too, but I haven't done them since Forza 2. The system just got kinda overwhelming and complicated compared to the older layer system, so I didn't even bother trying to learn the new ones…

And of course there's still stuff like the Final Fantasy series (VI is best) and Fallout. Also Halo and Gears of War, are cool with co-op mode.

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 05:39AM EDT

Speaking of video games, resident evil raccoon city comes out tommorow! Resident evil has always been one of my favorite series, so I'm pretty excited. I'm so using vector and beltway.

To be honest, the decal maker looks a lot more complicated than it really is.

Ah yes, video games. I mainly play console (Xbox 360).

I was always a fan of the JRPG genre. Most of the JRPGs I own have the most hours in them of all my games (besides some online games).

  • Blue Dragon
  • Eternal Sonata
  • Star Ocean
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Final Fantasy XIII (+XIII-2)
    • Skyrim. The reason I play Skyrim was because I played a lot of Oblivion on the pc quite some years ago (plus it's just a must have). I know it's not a JRPG, but here's the best place to list it.

I also play shooters online. But as I'm not a super great fan of the genre, I only buy the most popular ones. Most of my friends also own these games, which really makes playing them a lot more fun.

  • Call of Duty
  • Battlefield
  • Gears of War
  • Halo

Every now and then I do like to play a fighting game to mix things up a bit. Blazblue is a really great series for that.

For those moments when I do play Pc, it's on my laptop. Because that thing can't play the best games, I mainly use it for either Tf2 or Touhou.

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 11:37AM EDT

Favourite video games? I have a whole list…

Skies of Arcadia is definitely up there. The original version for the Dreamcast though, not the Gamecube remake. Sure the Gamecube version has some extra stuff, but the original has a far better soundtrack and to me, that is extremely important.

I made that image myself, by the way. My mad skillz with Adobe Flash.

And my first animated gif. Yes, Skies of Arcadia is truly an inspiring game. I highly recommend it.

Earthbound may be my favourite game of all time though, and I certainly plan on making some sort of Earthbound/FiM crossover sometime. You just can't beat old-school RPGs!

Dac wrote:

Speaking of video games, resident evil raccoon city comes out tommorow! Resident evil has always been one of my favorite series, so I'm pretty excited. I'm so using vector and beltway.

To be honest, the decal maker looks a lot more complicated than it really is.

Well, that might be true, but I still don't think I have the "strength" to start making anything on it. It's been so long since the last time I made something. The cars look cool with minimal paint and such too, and I haven't found the need to make excessively complicated details for cars that I'll use for only a few times.

Besides, the cars that I use more often, tend to lack any good surface to make the decals on. This is the only picture I have of my decals, and I think this is the best one. It's really old though, Forza 2 I think, and taken with a bad camera potato.

Shinobu on the left took me 200+ layers to make, and Naru on the right took 300+ layers.

@Commodore 64

Earthbound crossover?

I assume you've seen this one then. It's one of my alltime favourite FiM pics, even though I haven't played Earthbound myself.

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 12:31PM EDT

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

I think at one point, she did. But then HDD went on this kick-ass, dramatic arc, and it's awesome as balls.

I meant when do you think Max gilardi or HDD is going to start taking questions again?

Ah yes, I've seen that one around. I was thinking of making a Discord Giygas, but I didn't want to just rip off someone else's idea. It is a nice picture though.

And I also highly recommend Earthbound to anyone who has $150 to burn on a SNES game. Or you could play it through somewhat less-than-legal means, I suppose that is an alternative. As someone who has done both, I'd say it's best on the original console though.

@Vidya Games
Fable. The first Fable. First RPG I ever played, and still my favorite game.
Skyrim. I like TES series, and this is my favorite of the bunch. By a very small margin, though.
Mass Effect 1 & 2. I would say 3, but I've played it a whopping 2 hours. My roommate doesn't want me to spoil it for him while he's going through number 2, so I've only played it while he wasn't around.
Jade Empire. First Bioware game I played, and the first game I played with a massive focus on story. I still like it a lot, despite it being dated as balls.
Team Fortress 2. Except for the occasional lag and teammates that are too retarded to stay near the medic, there are few flaws with the game. Well, except for Pyros…
Fallout 3. For some reason, I like it more than New Vegas, despite New Vegas being technically better in every way.

Yeah, that about sums my favorite games. RPG, RPG, RPG, RPG, Shooter with stats and RPG elements, RPG.

I might be up for synchtube. Was the best time ever when I did it with 404 and company about a week ago. I have two videos that you must see.

@Dac (you so crazy)
I only have four toys. All of them were given to me by my mom, who is also a brony. Yes, you may all bask in my might.

I rarely play with them. I usually just leave them on my computer tower, along with the broken remains of my Halo Spartan. His arm broke off, and it was the perfect size for RD to put her front hooves up on.
"RAINBOW! WHY'D YOU DO IT? Why did you kill xxXSnip3t3hn00bzXxx?"

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Those extreme Christians are so freaking hilarious. XD
Them being seriouse makes me laugh even HARDER!! XXXDDDD


At first, I was like:

The way everything is worded, it seemed like an attempt at trolling to me.

Then I googled it to see for myself. Tsk… I guess I was wrong.

EDIT: Upon researching further, it seems like a joke site. Ah.

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 05:02PM EDT

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Those extreme Christians are so freaking hilarious. XD
Them being seriouse makes me laugh even HARDER!! XXXDDDD

That's a joke, Ric. I've seen the blog. It's a parody, and it's hilarious.

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Those extreme Christians are so freaking hilarious. XD
Them being seriouse makes me laugh even HARDER!! XXXDDDD

Sometimes people make me feel like i-

Yay! page get! I declare this page in the name of luna!

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 05:27PM EDT

>math class
>3 minutes till bell
>eavesdropping on conversation
>girl in class talking to people
>"…yeah, my brother has like these My Little Pony toys, it's weird. He has like three of them. He likes it for some reason. He calls himself like… a brony I think it is? I dunno. It's funny."

Last edited Mar 19, 2012 at 10:41PM EDT

I just told my friends that I'm a user on here. Now they will haunt me and see what I'm actually doing most of the time while I'm not in class or doing class-related stuff.

I will make you bronies one day, guys! Just sayin'!

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Those extreme Christians are so freaking hilarious. XD
Them being seriouse makes me laugh even HARDER!! XXXDDDD

So what blog is this from? I figured it was the Onion at first but it looks like something else.

I could tell it was satire though, I'm sort of getting used to Poe's Law.

Looks like Seal Clubba has not quite learned that skill yet though.

Oh, and by the way I spotted this in the MLP comments

The Pony Hub has a challenger!

Last edited Mar 20, 2012 at 12:24AM EDT

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