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Yatta on NPR

Last posted Dec 28, 2009 at 01:26PM EST. Added Dec 26, 2009 at 06:32PM EST
19 posts from 10 users

I was listening to NPR, and they interviewed Yatta about internet memes!!! I only got to listen to the last 2 minuets though… Do any of you have a copy of it or know where I can find it?

This is awesome!!!11! I LOOOOVE NPR! Kym is getting more attention than ever before!
However, I feel the interviewer does not take Internet memes seriously. We need to get people to treat Internet memes and culture just likr they would traditional culture.

I actually put < /noob> at the end but the forum thought it was legitimate html. O.o

So either I just failed or I just owned the reply box …

@everyone: thanks. That was fun, although they had to cut what was a 30 minute conversation down to just 5. I'm sure it was necessary as I probably went on and on about the serious stuff.

@Joefilms: You would have loved some of the stuff that didn't make it in there:

- LOLCats/Cat Macros should be considered the meme of the decade as it started within a subculture, codified (LOLspeak, ICHC, Memegenerator), became a mainstream hit, and despite it's popularity and commercialization, it continues to stay true to its Caturday roots.

- My warning about 4chan (NPR listeners should not go there. It would be like visiting a slaughterhouse just because you like yummy steak)

- The interesting evolution of Incidental Internet Star from 'Star Wars Kid' (ashamed of famo) to 'David After Dentist' (embraced his famo).

- The popularity of Internet Memes among mainstream pop culture means that it will be harder for most people to spot actual grassroots phenomena (strong memes) vs top down, media-fueled buzz (weak memes).

@Christopher Sphinx. Hello and welcome to KYM. ;-)

(edited for speeling and the grammor.)


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