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Why Gamergate should be reconfirmed as the 2000th entry

Last posted Feb 11, 2015 at 02:24AM EST. Added Feb 09, 2015 at 09:39PM EST
15 posts from 13 users

0.9999...=1 wrote:

  • bullet points for no fucking reason
  • The purpose of this thread was to employ the true power of riff-raff, that is, a cooperative shitposting board where shitposts are equally shared and shitposting wealth spread is not heavily weighted towards one or two posters, essentially shitpost communism. The use of bullet points implies a list, but the singular point suggest that other posters are encouraged to contribute. All in all, the composition of the OP was chosen to lead to one thing: ethical, cooperative shitposting. Thank you for your time
Last edited Feb 09, 2015 at 11:55PM EST

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

How do i bullet point? Also, the fuck is a gamergate? o~o

A gamer gate is when 12 overweight men climb on top of eachothers backs to create a barricade from the ethics in gaming journalism

Gamergate changed my life. Besides, this fucking site is rotten to the core with SJW shits. I think if we re-confirm gamergate we'll show those little piece of shits who is the boss in here.

I am loli-desu and I support gamergate, vote for me. Death to the SJW shits.

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 08:20PM EST

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