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What is your stance on Modern Feminism?

Last posted Jan 15, 2015 at 03:54AM EST. Added Dec 23, 2014 at 05:23PM EST
20 posts from 18 users

I'm all for supporting women whenever they seem like a minority, but it seems like these movements are going too far. The person to blame is the person who sees women as nothing more than material objects (e.g. punching bags).

Could be necessary in countries where gender discrimination is an actual issue, but in developed countries like USA or EU is mostly a waste of breath.
I am for a large part against equality, so there's also that.

It is in the wrong countries. If these neo-feminists really want to make a difference they could go to russia and fight for gay rights or the middle east for women's rights. hell they don't even have to go there, but if they just spread the word of what these countries are doing they would be helping a lot of people.

Instead they choose to bitch about nonexistent issues, and first world problems. They don't really want to do anything. they just need a reason to complain about everything, and a banner to hide behind when people start calling them out on their bullshit.

My stance on modern feminism?

I think it's the worst thing to happen since the Westboro Baptist Church. I have no problem with feminism when it's done properly, but most of the feminists I see today are nothing but hateful monsters, that bash every man who so much as looks at them. They fight what they believe to be sexist with sexism, they make up bullshit to support their claims, and they label people just so they can bash them. At times, they even push agendas that are eerily similar to the agenda that the Nazis pushed! Hence, the reason they are often labeled as "Feminazis."

I am against gender discrimination, and sexism, and I can honestly say that these feminists have themselves become sexist in every sense of the word.

And if you don't believe me, look up #killallmen, Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes vs Gaming Youtube series, 80% of Tumblr accounts, and the fucking articles that started the Gamergate controversy.

Last edited Dec 23, 2014 at 07:41PM EST

I'm all for equality; hell, I think slut shaming should die simply for how it is entirely a Double Standard.
But the "Feminist" slacktivists that prowl Tumblr and wear the new fedora that is hyper-dyed hair and shout all sorts of derogatory shit toward people for no reason, they're the only people currently living I genuinely hate outside of Kim Jong Un (Who is in another league entirely for how much I hate him), Justin Bieber, and those dipshits up in Congress that are trying to ram America into the ground. And it takes a LOT for me to genuinely hate someone like that.

It depends: I don't have a problem with feminists striving for equal rights. If anything, I support it. But I do have a problem with feminists saying things like "all men are rapists and should be castrated" or accusations of "eye rape" and the like.
Feminism isn't bad, it can just go way too far in certain situations.

Last edited Dec 23, 2014 at 08:56PM EST

I don't remember where I heard this, but my stance is basically this: "If you can't treat your opposition with respect, if you can't compromise, and if you can't show how your stance adds anything for the people you are trying to convince, then you have already lost."

The Social Justice movement is basically breaking those 3 rules so hard it's actually taking women a step backwards.

I'm tired of it.

Last edited Dec 23, 2014 at 09:11PM EST

Modern feminism has been reduced to a laughing stock; a mere shell of what came before. Where feminists traditionally stood for equality, these people insult our intelligence with ridiculous assertions followed by a list of insane demands.
To be clear here, I'm referring to the "Tumblr feminists."

Here's why I don't like them:

-They constantly strive to redefine equality to their advantage.

-They claim to be against sexism while practicing misandry.

-They try to redefine rape to be anything from a man being attracted to a woman to a pair of consenting adults engaging in sexual activity. This is a tragic mistake that leaves victims of actual sexual assault feeling belittled. This is antithetical to their stated goals.

-They treat women as if they're helpless victims waiting to be assaulted. This is blatant misogyny and they refuse to acknowledge this.

-They are actively hostile toward anyone who dares to disagree and will go to great lengths to silence dissent. If they had valid arguments they wouldn't need to do this.

These people have destroyed the credibility of the feminist movement and created a generation of young women who believe that they are always the victim and that society is an evil place full of evil people that want to oppress them.
That's the sad part about this. They are doing serious damage to their own mental wellbeing and to those who sympathize with them. On the other side of the isle you get men who are embittered by the vitriol they receive from these people and begin to adopt a misogynistic stance in response.

In summary, they totally fail to accomplish any of the stated goals of feminism and actually actively work against societal progress.

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 03:34AM EST

I don't count those Social Justice people as real feminists. I don't know what else to say on that.

I do agree that other countries have it worse, but there still exists real problems like no equal pay.

What I recognize as 'Modern Feminism', I believe that it has degraded into a shadow of what it once was; a movement to outline severe problems in society and to make women equals to men, now viewed upon as an outright supremacy movement. There are countries with little rights for women, and these so-called "Feminists" barely bat an eye to them while proclaiming how "oppressed" they are in the most free and advanced societies on the planet. It is one of the multitude of reasons why people, especially men, view it in an extremely negative light. I personally want to see all of us as equals (but entitled to our differences), and while I support actual feminists who are trying to aid women in places where they are not equals, these 'feminazis' bring shame to a movement that once held so much respect and importance.

Disty wrote:

I don't count those Social Justice people as real feminists. I don't know what else to say on that.

I do agree that other countries have it worse, but there still exists real problems like no equal pay.


Real feminist are the ones that fight for equality not the ones trying to keep their privileges but at the same time asking to be treated like equals I honestly think these "feminist" (or toilet paper feminist like I like to call them) are nothing more than a very vocal minority representing that stupid way thinking.

This stupid people could do so much good to real feminism, raising awareness about many abuses that still happens in other parts of the world (Women being killed with stones because of suspicions of cheating and clitoral ablation among many others that only a few are aware of) Instead of complaining about people's shirts and sexyness of videogame characters, good God…

Last edited Dec 23, 2014 at 09:50PM EST

Zedoctorisin wrote:

I need to ask for you to clarify something first. What do you mean by modern feminism?

Third wave.

Droid wrote:

Third wave.

Yeah, I can safely say that shits pretty fucking annoying. Mostly harmless, but still annoying, and it taints the reputation of feminism as a whole.

I do not know Anita Sarkeesian enough to have an opinion on what she does and says.

For the rest, I am not against feminism at all, as long as it is in the intent to educate and promote equal rights, and to open debates about gendered double standards and such things.

The problem I may have with certain people claiming themselves "feminists" but viewed as others as "feminazis" is this lack of will to start an open discussion with everyone. It is also what would be call SJWs; in this, I agree with Fandroid and Natsuru Springfield. By the way, I have little to none sympathy towards the FEMEN.

Of course some people engaged in feminism open discussions, and do it very well, whether on issues concerning the safety of women and their equal treatment in terms of income, or on issues that are considered "third wave" or even on some that could be seen as trivial such as the commonplace difference of sexiness between male and female videogame characters.

I guess every idea can be discussed if the idea harms no one and if the debate is peaceful. Third wave feminism, as it is called, raises some interesting questions, that, while not being the same as in first and second waves (waves that are, however, still relevant), also deserve to be asked.

As for problems in countries where the women have it way worse, well, of course they have to be solved, it's urgent. But that doesn't deprive us of the right to talk about 3rdW feminism in our Western societies. :)

Last edited Jan 15, 2015 at 02:52AM EST

It's going downhill. There are some good feminists out there, but not as many as the horrible ones. As a matter of fact, I just call the bad ones "feminazis" since they want to establish a female dominated community instead of an actual equal community.

In my book, any person who fights for true equality for every human being and strives to fix real problems that actually matter in intelligent and well thought out ways that serve the best interests of everyone involved is doing the right thing; And anyone who isn't doing that yet claims to be is, in my opinion, a waste of oxygen. From that alone, I'm sure you grasp my opinion of modern feminism, but i will elaborate a bit.

The biggest problem I have with the modern Tumblr/Twitter slacktivism "feminists" is that they only ever seem to be addressing problems like characters in video games having big boobs and "problematic" tropes in movies, and inane, misandrist rhetoric like "any man talking to any woman is rape" or that "a man accused of rape should be guilty until proven innocent", or that "men are the root of all evil and must be eliminated", when, In my opinion, a person with a mind to fight inequality between the sexes should be willing to leave the comfort of western civilization to go to places that actually have legitimate problems of sexism and patriarchy, problems that just don't exist in our culture in anything approaching mainstream society any longer.

I believe that equality is a just cause. I don't, however believe that the cause of equality is done justice by spreading lies, misinformation, and hateful rhetoric, or by making up cases of "misogyny" to fight because they can't find any real ones in the western world and they're too lazy to fight misogyny where it actually is.

Last edited Jan 15, 2015 at 03:56AM EST

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