Two Demotivational Posters from the following collection.

14 'Demotivational Posters' That Belong On Honest Walls

Reddit's /r/Demotivational is full of the most demotivational posters you can find online. Demotivational posters are, as the name would suggest, the opposite of motivational posters. Instead of giving you a reason to keep trying, they make you want to give up on whatever it is you're doing and maybe stare in confusion for a while. But they exist nonetheless, and even though they don't really serve the same purpose as a motivational poster, they can be pretty funny. Just imagine going into a classroom and seeing some of these on the wall. Would you be horrified at what your child's been exposed to, or just relieved they're getting such honest advice?

We're pretty sure your teachers aren't allowed to hang these, anyway. But if they did, maybe the world would be a lot more fun, since at least we're getting straight to the point. Either way, enjoy these 14 demotivational posters and try to remember you don't need to take life so seriously.

Full Of It

PRIDE Never get too proud; the size of your funeral will likely depend on the weather.

(Source: Reddit)

There He Is

Go ahead and have a mid-life crisis at 20 You might not make it to 50 anyway

(Source: Reddit)

Mountain Climber

MOTIVATION Every dead body on Mt. Everest was once a highly motivated person so maybe calm down.

(Source: Reddit)

It's Out There Somewhere


(Source: Reddit)

Take It Easy

PROCRASTINATION Just keep putting it off. You were never going to do it anyways.

(Source: Reddit)


PATIENCE Why wait for the void to come to you

(Source: Reddit)

Never Change

REFLECTION Don't dwell on the past. You were an idiot then, and you're an idiot now.

(Source: Reddit)

It Just Exists

UNEX PLAINABLE This picture can not be explained

(Source: KYM)


The early bird may get the worm... but the early mouse gets dead.

(Source: Reddit)

Keep It Up


(Source: Twitter)


迿 PROBLEM SOLVING Your Life May Depend On It.

(Source: KYM)

Man's Best Friend

ADDICTION Always having something to look forward to.

(Source: Reddit)

Just When You Thought You Had It

LUCK Either you have it or you don't

(Source: Reddit)

Lone Wolf

MATURITY If you somehow manage to live past your twenties, you get to spend the next fifty years trying to undo the damage

(Source: Reddit)

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