15 Out-Of-The-Ordinary Images To Get You Thinking

One interesting image-based subreddit known to many is /r/hmmm, and it's a strange place to peruse. With out-of-context images that are guaranteed to leave you wondering why and how something like this exists, it's one of the most thought-provoking subreddits out there, even though it's not really educational.
We don't have any context to provide you for any of these images, but that's part of the fun anyway. You can make up your own stories as to how these things came to be, as well as ask yourself, "Why?" The point of this subreddit is to perplex your brain in the best possible way, and we can't do that without some images that are meaningless, funny, come with no background info whatsoever and are somehow captivating nonetheless. These are Redditors' top picks for curious nonsense, so sit back, relax and try not to overthink these too much, because there's never going to be an answer. Confuse yourself with these humorous images that really make no sense.