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19 Hilarious Memes Perfect For Plant Lovers

houseplants vs wild plants, when your plant begins to sprout meme examples from the collection.
houseplants vs wild plants, when your plant begins to sprout meme examples from the collection.

Published April 02, 2021

Published April 02, 2021

Everyone agrees, there's just something addictive about houseplants. They might not do much and can sometimes be a surprising amount of work, but somehow they make it all worth it when they become a staple of your home decor. I mean, at least it's not a whole fish tank to take care of, right? Even though you probably use just as much water at this point. Raising plants can be a healthy and fun hobby, especially if you live in a place with little green space and not enough nature. Now, you can keep yourself feeling relaxed by trying desperately to prevent your plants from dying.

Whether you're starting to own more plants than furniture or you seem to have the magical ability to kill anything leafy and green no matter how hard you try, you know this addiction. The obsession with houseplants impacts every aspect of your life, especially the sense of humor you appreciate online. Because of this, we know you'll enjoy these memes about the plant-owning experience.

Get A Load Of This

(Source: Reddit)

The Scenic Route

(Source: Reddit)

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

(Source: Reddit)

This'll Do It

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Talk To Me Or My Plant Ever Again

(Source: Reddit)

Every Time

(Source: Reddit)

Uncanny Similarity

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Memedroid)


(Source: iFunny)


(Source: iFunny)

Sweet Moisture

(Source: iFunny)

Legendary Mode

(Source: iFunny)

But It's Different

(Source: Instagram)

Not Listening

(Source: Instagram)

So Proud

(Source: Instagram)

Diversion Tactic

(Source: Instagram)

Doing Amazing Sweetie

(Source: Instagram)

No Tap Water Please

(Source: Instagram)

My Eyes

(Source: Instagram)

Tags: houseplant, plant, gardening, green thumb, brown thumb, plant lover, plant memes, collections, memes, tree hugger,

Meme Encyclopedia