15 History Memes For The Historic Times We're Living In
It's been an eventful time in America lately. The following memes are a piece of internet history, gathered from the day that ended the Trump presidency and marked the beginning of Biden's first term. Time has passed since then, and now that's history too, which we can discuss through forms of online discourse like idiotic jokes. As always, historic events such as these make great memes.
Fortunately, this also applies to obscure events from a thousand years ago that you otherwise would have forgotten. If you're like most people, you never use the knowledge you pick up in history class. But if you're one of us, you make dumb jokes about the past in the form of history memes that you use for gaining upvotes and likes that are utterly meaningless. At least this way's fun. For everyone who wants to forget about the present day, here are 15 of the best history memes from this week to remind you of simpler times.