20 Memes To Celebrating The Best Week Of 2021 So Far
Though last week was only the second of 2021, it already claimed the title of Calmest Week Of The Year so far. After last week's Storming of the Capitol frayed nerves across the globe and especially in America, this week went by with "only" the Second Impeachment of Donald Trump in terms of major news. As far as 2021 is concerned, that's a win.
With things in relative calm, the internet was free to get back to memeing on subjects it loves: bad commercials and video games. This week, a terrible GrubHub ad dominated the meme space alongside trailers for Resident Evil 8, which featured a tall, sexy vampire lady, Bowser's Fury, which features a tall, sexy Bowser and New Pokémon Snap, which featured a tall, sexy Meganium.
It was also the week Sea Shanty TikTok took off, as angel-voiced users hopped onto a trend of adding harmonies to old seafaring songs like "The Wellerman." Overall, it's been a decent week for memes. Let's hope we keep it up through 2021.
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