20 Wholesome Memes For All The Saddened Day Traders Of GME

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with "invested into meme stocks at the peak" then you may be entitled to wholesome meme compensation. These wholesome memes are to be looked at if you experience any of the following symptoms: paper hands, hands too hard to trade, sudden loss of profits, red portfolio and even "Guh." If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, please seek help through these wholesome memes.
Wholesome memes can come in a wide range of formats, using elements from pop culture like The Avengers and Disney films to repurposed stock photography, as we see in this collection. No matter what the format is, including Hulk Gives Ant-Man a Taco seen above, this subgenre of image macros subverts audience expectations by taking established memes and using them to express supportive sentiments rather than the usual humor. So, enjoy these examples and add a little wholesomeness to your day.
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