
25 Terrible Memes From Annoying Facebook Boomers

boomer memes
flies on car
flies getting swatted
2 women standing
woman with award
woman with baby
boomer memes
flies on car
flies getting swatted
2 women standing
woman with award
woman with baby

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Facebook memes are a true gold mine of cringe. You'll find all sorts of out-of-touch takes from various Boomers across both sides of the political spectrum, which is basically what the platform is known for at this point. It's become a notorious form of online posting that relies on sharing very questionable takes with others in order to keep your concerned relatives away from your Facebook page. For the rest of us who don't post things like this, you can try all you like to get rid of these Facebook memes, but no matter what, they'll always be around to haunt your feed.

Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes is a collection of all the horrible memes that you try your hardest to avoid whenever you open up your feed. These memes are built to make you cringe, ranging from very stupid political hot-takes to absolutely abysmal comparisons between the "lazy" younger generation and Boomers. Here are some of the worst memes from the past month.

Career Bad Motherhood Good

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Single Moms Represent!

(Source: Reddit)

Not Exactly How That Works

(Source: Reddit)

Just Cringe

(Source: Reddit)

Take That Devil!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Does This Mean?

(Source: Reddit)

Darn Society!

(Source: Reddit)

Coffee Flavors Are Bad

(Source: Reddit)

Masks Ruined Everything!

(Source: Reddit)

Men Do No Laundry… Wifey Bad!

(Source: Reddit)

Never Trust Women!

(Source: Reddit)

Darn Millennials…

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Sigma Lion

(Source: Reddit)

Old White Guys Rule!

(Source: Reddit)

Why They Gotta Be Like This?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"Modern Music Blows"

(Source: Reddit)

Silly Liberals!

(Source: Reddit)

Almost As If They're Filthy Rich…

(Source: Reddit)

So Wood Cabins Don't Come With Mortgages?

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs Are Now Cancelled!

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Deal With The Devil!

(Source: Reddit)

Boomer Talking Smack As Always

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: terrible facebook memes, dank memes, epic memes, reddit, collections,