
Follow These 11 'Desire Paths' Wherever They May Take You

Left: a meme depicting a conventional road and a desire path, the road is labelled "reading the terms of service," the desire path is labelled "finding the agree button as fast as possible." Right: a dog next to the desire path he has carved through grass.
Left: a meme depicting a conventional road and a desire path, the road is labelled "reading the terms of service," the desire path is labelled "finding the agree button as fast as possible." Right: a dog next to the desire path he has carved through grass.

Published March 17, 2022

Published March 17, 2022

At one point or another, you've probably walked on "desire paths" more than you may realize. Almost everyone has helped to make one or maintain one. When the sidewalk just doesn't cut it, when the route They have laid out for you doesn't actually match where you want to go, when the prescribed way is not at all efficient, conditions are perfect for a desire path.

They're a spontaneous, democratic way of landscaping, and it's not just humans who make them. Dogs, cats and other animals frequently create desire paths as well. On Reddit, /r/DesirePaths is chock-full of users from around the world sharing pictures of these paths that are spontaneously created anywhere there are pedestrian pathways and some open land between them.

Avoiding Something

(Source: Reddit)

Enough people didn't like the vibes of that powerline to trace a whole new path around it.

Official Recognition, At Last

(Source: Redd)

It's always a good moment when desire pathers win the battle against the powers that be.

Cat Path

(Source: Reddit)

Dog Path

(Source: Reddit)

An Alternate Name

(Source: Reddit)

"Elephant path" has a nice ring to it.

Helping Make The Way

(Source: Reddit)

Responsive Design

(Source: Reddit)

A genius stroke of landscape design: make a path where they want to go.

The Hill Stood No Chance

(Source: Reddit)

Absolutely obliterated by people trying to get back to their cars, which is one of nature's strongest forces.

Based On A True Story

(Source: Reddit)

About To Become Official

(Source: Reddit)

This desire path is about to graduate to the status of real path.

Not Cool

(Source: Reddit)

How could they do this? Why would you resod it? It will only make them want to walk on the freshly sodded part even more.

Tags: desire paths, reddit, unofficial, editorials, collections, r/desirepath, desire path, elephant paths, memes, design fails, humans, pets, animals, dogs,