President Trump Finally Acknowledged 'Tiger King'

President Trump has been holding a daily press conference since the pandemic has taken over the United States, where reporters are mostly focused on asking about emergency resources, social distancing practices and future plans on how to fight the current monster attacking our health and wellbeing. However, one question was asked yesterday that received quite a lot of attention from Twitter users, who couldn't believe what had occurred on their televisions.
For whatever reason, Steven Nelson from the New York Post decided to ask the President of the United States if he would consider pardoning Joe Exotic, the zoo operator featured in Netflix's documentary Tiger King. While it appears that the incredibly popular docuseries has certainly been on many people's minds, it has not been watched by our current President, who had a lot of questions about who Joe Exotic was and why he should be pardoned. He even asked the reporter which son had tweeted about it, before correctly guessing that it had been Donald Trump Jr. After Nelson provided more details, Trump quickly asked CNN's Jim Acosta if he should pardon the eccentric prisoner who is currently serving time for plotting the murder of Carole Baskin. Acosta replied the way many users did on Twitter, with a request for the President to discuss the current global crisis affecting millions of Americans instead.
When asked if he would pardon Joe Exotic, the incarcerated star of the Netflix documentary series “Tiger King,” Pres. Trump says he “knows nothing about” it, but will “take a look.”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 8, 2020
Many users welcomed the President's thoughts on potentially pardoning Joe Exotic.
Joe Exotic watching the Trump press conference
— Zigmund Palffy (@zigmund_palffy) April 8, 2020
the night before the 2020 electionTrump: Tonight, I announce that Joe Exotic will receive a full presidential pardon.
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) April 8, 2020
if trump pardons joe exotic he’s winning in 2020 guaranteed
— Jordan Lancaster (@jordylancaster) April 5, 2020
Me when President Trump said he’d look into the Joe Exotic case.#PardonJoeExotic #ReleaseTheTigerKing
— Michelle Hansen🇺🇸 (@PixiWonderQuinn) April 8, 2020
A request for more of this content was placed.
The reporter asking President Trump about Tiger King and a possible pardon for Joe Exotic is exactly the kind of quarantine content we need
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 8, 2020
Tonight at 4 AM after Trump watches Tiger King because he was asked to Pardon Joe Exotic –
— Couch Potato Finn (@epic_always) April 9, 2020
Omg whoever just asked Trump about pardoning Joe Exotic is an American hero
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 8, 2020
Trump was just asked about pardoning Joe Exotic during his mid-pandemic press conference. He says he'll take a look at it. What a world.
— Scott Feinberg (@ScottFeinberg) April 8, 2020
We also saw a return of this lovely photo.
Picture of trump the second he was asked if he would pardon Joe Exotic today.
— James Michael Sama (@JamesMSama) April 9, 2020
Of course, many were displeased by the reporter asking the question in the first place.
Oh lord. This reporter really asked Trump if he would pardon Joe Exotic.
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) April 8, 2020
Who is this moron at the COVID19 presser asking Trump if he’ll listen to Trump Jr about pardoning Joe Exotic and explaining Tiger King to him?This is a fucking clown show!!!
— Chicano Marine 🇲🇽🇺🇸🧩 (@kingsrush) April 8, 2020
WTAF: A reporter wastes our time by asking Donald Trump if he'll pardon Joe Exotic, saying he's the only one getting ratings as high as Trump's press conferences. How many Americans will die today?
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) April 8, 2020
During #Trump's coronavirus presser the other day, some ass asked if he’d consider pardoning Joe Exotic, the Tiger King. Now we’ve got tigers AND a clown, it’s officially a circus.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) April 9, 2020
The media is so addicted to sensationalism that a journalist at the Coronavirus Press Conference literally asked Trump whether he will listen to Donald Trump Jr.’s suggestion to pardon Tiger King Joe Exotic for hiring a hit man. We have a broken government and a broken media.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) April 8, 2020
Trump just said he'd take a look at pardoning Joe Exotic. 2020 is batshit crazy.
— Joe DiBiase (@SneakyJoeWGR) April 8, 2020
Will the President consider pardoning him after he finds out about this bit of information? Stay tuned.
Wait til Trump finds out
— Jack M. Posobiec, IWO (JackPosobiec) April 9, 2020Joe_Exotic
ran against him
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