
Some Of Our Favorite Memes From Our 'Meme Checkpoint' Facebook Challenge

a collection of memes submitted to us by our fans on Facebook images are of a person refusing to tell more about themselves in a job interview and the golden girls discussing TikTok
a collection of memes submitted to us by our fans on Facebook images are of a person refusing to tell more about themselves in a job interview and the golden girls discussing TikTok

Published July 06, 2020

Published July 06, 2020

It's that time again. You've been waiting to show off your jokes and questionable senses of humor, and we're giving back by sharing the best you guys could put forth for our challenge. And boy, did they deliver. It's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "Meme Checkpoint" challenge!

On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone. We're not sure everyone follows that rule, but you get the idea. Our fans have a great sense of humor (and they keep us employed), so in order to show our appreciation, we've decided to bless the rest of our readers with the best memes and jokes our fans had in their meme folders. Out of the numerous responses we got, we've found some absolute gems, so here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.

"What Is This Thing?"

(Source: Facebook)

Unconditional Love!

(Source: Facebook)

Need An Answer On This Immediately

(Source: Facebook)

Get It Together

(Source: Facebook)

Remember Airports?

(Source: Facebook)

Regrets On Regrets

(Source: Facebook)

And Never Returning Again

(Source: Facebook)

All It Takes Is 20 Spins

(Source: Facebook)

Beam Me Up

(Source: Facebook)

Please Stop Asking This Question

(Source: Facebook)

Sorry For Stringing You Along

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

It's All About Balance

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Accidental Coma

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: meme checkpoint, golden girls, tiktok, family insults, sharks, karen, gollum, cats, cvs, sulley, dogs, calming products, job interviews, wolverine, sunsets, kanye west, surviving, happiness, a group of people, signs, waking up early, collections,