
Does 550 ÷ 2 Equal 225? The Viral Math Meme Explained

Lisa Explaining meme about the math equation.
Lisa Explaining meme about the math equation.

Published January 02, 2023

Published January 02, 2023

There's a math equation going viral on social media right now and it's blowing a lot of people's minds, especially those who still have nightmares about math class. The equation is 550 ÷ 2, and the virality comes from the fact that it does not equal 225, but instead, 275. Here's how it happened.

What Is the "550/2" Meme?

Memes about the shocking revelation that 550/2 is not 225 started spreading around Vietnamese meme pages around 2019, but didn't quite gain virality with English speakers until late in 2022, when an American Psycho meme where Patrick Bateman insists it's possible that 550 ÷ 2 could be 225 was posted to /r/mathmemes. Obviously, it's not possible as the equation can only have one answer, which is 275.

The meme follows in the footsteps of a very similar math meme that went viral earlier this year about how 77 + 33 does not equal 100. At first glance, it might look like 33+77 equals 100, just as it might look like 550 ÷ 2 is 225, but when you sit down and do the math, it just doesn't work out. The memes are all about perception vs. reality and they're giving math haters everywhere a reason to be mad (and math wizards a reason to gloat).

How Is 550 ÷ 2 Used In Memes?

The most popular way of using "550/2" is simply by expressing shock that the answer to the equation is not 225. This is mostly done through image macros, including memes where one character shares the discovery with another, formats like Guys I have bad news and basically any shocked reaction image with a relevant caption attached.

The "550/2" meme is also being used alongside its sister format "77 + 33," reminding everyone of the shocking math equation that came before it. If you've ever felt bad about your math skills, this meme should give you comfort. Based on the meme's virality, there are clearly a lot of people who don't know the answer to simple equations like this, so you're not alone.

For the full details on the 550 ÷ 2 = 225, be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

Tags: math memes, 550/2, 550 2 225, 275, what is 550/2, 77 + 33, 77 plus 33, 550 divided by 2,