
What Is The 'Two Soyjaks Pointing' Meme, And What Was The Photo That Inspired It? The Soyjak Meme Explained

chicken wings store
fried chicken restaurant
2 guys in front of restaurant
chicken wings store
fried chicken restaurant
2 guys in front of restaurant

Published April 06, 2023

Published April 06, 2023

Wojaks have plagued the internet for years now. What was originally an image macro shared across forums on 4chan and Reddit quickly became a staple in online culture. Most memes posted after 2014 have some form of Wojak integrated into them.

After the initial blow-up of the original Wojak image, it gave birth to many other character variations, like Virgin vs. Chad, Shroomjak, and now most notably, Soyjak.

But what is the Soyjak meme all about? And more importantly, how did an image of 2 guys pointing at a Beyond Fried Chicken sign become such a trending meme? Let's explain.

What is the Two Soyjaks Pointing Meme?

What was originally a picture of two friends making a soy boy face in front of a Beyond Fried Chicken restaurant quickly became an exploitable image meme known as the "two Soyjaks pointing." Originally posted on Twitter by John Oberg on February 23rd, 2020, what was meant to be a post to express his excitement about the release of Vegan Fried Chicken was turned into a soy boy meme.

The meme format quickly gained more notoriety in October 2020, especially through redraws. The two Soyjaks pointing isn't the only instance of a Soyboy meme or even a Wojak meme; instead, it is a mix of both memes.

How Are The Soyjaks Pointing Used In Memes?

After its initial spread on image forums like Reddit and 4chan, the meme quickly took over the internet to depict multiple instances of the Soyjaks pointing at various different things. To this day, the Soyjaks are still a very popular exploitable image format and have even brought forth variations in the meme.

One notable variant is the "two goth girls pointing" meme. In August of 2021, Twitter user @LiquidGoth posted a photo of themselves and their girlfriend in front of a Harambe Ethiopian Cuisine restaurant, garnering 13,200 likes in just five days. As expected, the photo was also quickly turned into a PNG and made into its own meme format, with some memes even paying homage to the original picture of the two Soyjaks.

For the full history on the two Soyjaks pointing meme, you can check out the full entry here.

Tags: reddit, cringe, 4chan, soyface, two soyjaks pointing, soyjaks pointing, soyjaks, soyjak, soyboy, goth girls pointing, wojak pointing meme,