
What Is 'Tubgirl' And Why Should You Not Google It?

Tubgirl explained
Tubgirl explained

Published August 24, 2022

Published August 24, 2022

One thing we've learned about the internet is that when you tell someone to not Google something, chances are they're going to Google it. TikTok recently learned this the hard way when the shock site "Tubgirl" became mainstream again.

If you're not familiar with either TikTok or Tubgirl, good for you. Chances are though, if you're here, you're trying to find the NSFW video that you've heard so much and so little about. No one wants to ruin the "surprise" for you.

Luckily, we're here to explain to you what this gross viral video is and why you shouldn't look much further than this webpage. So, I guess, let's explain.

What Is The 'Tubgirl' Video?

Back in the early days of the internet, before even YouTube was around, there was a website called that was known for exactly what it advertised. On December 12th, 2000, the website posted a header for an upcoming video picturing a Japanese woman lying down in a bathtub.

Ultimately, the image was likened to pulpless orange juice, as if she was drinking that in the bathtub. Of course, the "orange juice" was not orange juice which, of course, led to shock and awe when gazed upon.

What Were Some Reactions To 'Tubgirl?'

As major social media sites started popping up in the mid-2000s, Tubgirl reared its ugly head. In 2005, it was added to Urban Dictionary, a website known for its "Don't Google" challenges such as the Alabama Hot Pocket or Rainbow Kisses (be careful).

In 2007, the Tubgirl image was accidentally added to the front page of the gaming website Kotaku. From this, more mainstream awareness surfaced, highlighted in many early YouTube reaction videos.

As most people know, TikTok hasn't been around for as long as most of these sites. Inherently, the young audiences on TikTok only found out about Tubgirl last year. In fact, in March 2021, Google searches for Tubgirl spiked four times higher than in 2016 when PewDiePie watched the horror and filmed his reaction. Roughly a year later, in August 2022, TikTok rediscovered Tubgirl. The reactions have been consistently gut-wrenching over the decades.

For the full history of Tubgirl, be sure to check out our entry on it here for even more information.

Tags: tubgirl, tub girl, tubgril, tubgirl explained, tubgirl video, tubgirl photo, tubgirl site,, tubgirl meaning, watch tubgirl, tubgirl meme, tubgirl tiktok, tiktok,, video, shock site, shock, nsfw, gross, don't google, dont google, tub,