Pope Francis in Drip album cover

Where Did The Photo Of Pope Francis In A Big White Puffer Come From? The 'Pope Francis Drip' Meme Explained

A picture of the Pope wearing the perfect Moncler puffer is going viral after it took people a little bit too long to realize that it wasn't in fact real. The image was shared far and wide on social media in late March 2023, with some expressing worry about what the image means for truth in light of an impending AI-driven world. Here's a recap of what many are calling Pope Francis Drip.

I Could've Just Sat On In With Massa @Written ByHanna the pope has been wearing that same musty robe for a 100 years now why would he decide to be dripped out on a random Saturday afternoon HOOD VOGUE is tired of poverty @keyon - 14h The picture of the pope in a puffer trench coat is Ai????????? Show this thread 8:49 PM Mar 25, 2023 685.5K Views . . : 1,212 Retweets 47 Quotes 12.5K Likes 116 Bookmarks

What Is The Doctored Image Of Pope Francis That Is Making The Rounds?

On March 24th of 2023, a Redditor posted an image of Pope Francis wearing a giant white puffer to the subreddit /r/Midjourney. For those not in the know, Midjourney is a tool that uses artificial intelligence in order to create images and art from descriptions written in natural language. The next day, a Twitter user posted the same image with the title, "OKAYYY."

leon @skyferrori. 18h OKAAYYY 1,557 28.5K 182.6K ₁17.9M ↑ :

What Did People Think About The Pope Being Dripped Out?

Since the photo of the Pope in the puffer was initially posted to Twitter without context, many people took the image to be real. Opinions about the Pope's "new look" were generally very favorable, with people saying that he looks like he's about to drop the hardest hip-hop album ever, to people saying that he looks like the pastor of Justin Bieber's church.

Phil Klay @PhilKlay. 13h "Ain't nobody Pope as me, I'm just so fresh, so clean" O 12 24 206 ₁16.8K Mason Mennenga @masonmennenga • 14h the pope looks like he's the pastor of a church that justin bieber would go to O 80 149 1,691 ₁65.8K ↑

Other people were more worried about how believable the image looked, with Chrissy Teigen expressing concern about what this means for AI art that's uncredited as such.

chrissy teigen @chrissyteigen I thought the pope's puffer jacket was real and didnt give it a second thought. no way am I surviving the future of technology 3:31 AM. Mar 26, 2023 869.6K Views 733 Retweets 107 Quotes 13.5K Likes 50 Bookmarks ...

In general, people were more amused by the image than they were worried, mostly because anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out that the Pope is not likely to switch up his look to something like the photo, no matter how drippy it is.

Zack Bornstein @ZackBornstein · 15h looks like he's about to drop a 40 point triple double 173 1 483 SEMANA 5,177 ₁425.7K ↑ : Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) @IwriteOK. 8h man i hate to give a pope credit but that's a solid look Jake Flores @feraljokes 9h Ayo. Blessed be. 51 t 121 3,369 ₁139.7K ↑ ...

PARENTAL ADVISORY EXPLICIT CONTENT made with mematic in the name of the father the son made with mematic And the holy drip AMANA

For the full history of Pope Francis Drip, be sure to check out our entry on it here for even more information.

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