Who Is The 'Bill Clinton Kid' From The Viral Game Awards Stage Crash? We Spoke With Matan Even To Learn The Truth

Gamers who watched The Game Awards last night were given numerous world premieres, trailers and new releases. But those who stayed until the end got to witness a massively viral event that led to an arrest within 10 minutes after the show was done — spearheaded by a political activist YouTuber who's now been dubbed "Bill Clinton Kid."

If you're unfamiliar with what all of this is about or perhaps you only caught the aftermath of the stage crasher's prank, let's quickly recap what when down at the 2022 Game Awards show first before moving on to who the prankster is and what he told us earlier today during an impromptu interview.
What Happened At The End Of The Game Awards?
At the conclusion of this year's Game Awards as the award for Game of The Year was being announced (which went to Elden Ring), a YouTuber and young activist named Matan Even inconspicuously walked up to the stage to join the game devs as they accepted their prize and Hidetaka Miyazaki gave his speech.
Once the initial pleasantries were over and the music began to roll, Even, who was standing behind the devs, proceeded to grab the mic and nominate the award to "reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton" before being escorted away, leaving a trail of questions and confusion in his wake.
Shortly after this as the internet rapidly began swirling with speculation and bewilderment, the Game Awards host Geoff Keighley tweeted that Matan Even was arrested for his stunt, with many memers rushing to react as word continued to spread.

Who Is Matan Even?
With the video going viral almost immediately and word of the arrest spreading like wildfire, most simply wondered who exactly the mysterious stage crasher was since few details initially emerged.
Matan Even, the young political activist behind the stunt, is surprisingly good at these types of viral crashing moments. His previous stunts include flashing a "Free Hong Kong" shirt at an NBA Clippers game, which, when caught on the Jumbotron, led to a massive firestorm resulting in multiple NBA players and coaches showing their support for China against Hong Kong.
Following this, he had another viral appearance at Blizzcon where he once again found himself in front of a mic during a Q&A session, taking control and telling the devs to "Free Hong Kong."
According to his Twitter profile, which is now adorned with moments from last night's stage crash, Even notes in his bio "I’m the kid who baited the clippers, and crashed a WoW panel," which can now also include baiting the Game Awards into cutting the music and giving him a brief moment of uncensored microphone time.
Today there is a lot of talk, and speculation. More information will be released on all fronts sooner than later. #TheGameAwards #gameawards #BillClinton #RabbiBillClinton
— Matan Even (@matanevenoff) December 9, 2022
Why Did He Do It?
Early this morning, we reached out to Matan Even via his Twitter account, trying to confirm several of the details that went viral following the stunt and managed to get a brief interview with him.
One of the prevalent motifs following his appearance was the rumor that he was on the InfoWars podcast in the past, with some users on Twitter even labeling him an antisemite. When asked about it, Even confirmed that he was indeed on InfoWars, but not with Alex Jones himself and only about the "Free Hong Kong" moment he had with the NBA years ago.
During our discussion with him, Matan Even vehemently denied any antisemitic leaning with his words, saying that "the goal was to get people to talk," with the phrase being chosen for its impact.
The 15-year-old Even has already been inundated with interviews, requests for comment and tons of unfounded speculation as to who he is and what his intentions were.
If you'd like to know more about the viral event at last night's Game Awards, including the memes and reactions, visit our full entry on the incident here for a full breakdown.