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Summer Of Stupid Chairs Continues With "Bisexual Chair"

Summer Of Stupid Chairs Continues With "Bisexual Chair"
Summer Of Stupid Chairs Continues With "Bisexual Chair"

Published August 30, 2019

Published August 30, 2019

Somehow 2019 has turned into the year of stupid chairs, with the peak of dumb chairs coming in the form of the Manspreading Chair, an aggressively uncomfortable-looking stool designed to keep men's legs together. Now we have the "bisexual chair" an almost-as-uncomfortable looking chair designed specifically for bisexual people, who apparently are well-known in the LGBT community for having poor sitting posture.

(Source: Facebook)

Unlike the Manspreading Chair, the "Bisexual Chair" was inspired and executed in a light-hearted manner. The chair was designed as a joke by Ma Matiazi and features a lower left-corner, as well as a hole in case a person wants to cross their left leg under their right leg, which the chair presumes is in a more traditional chair-sitting position. After seeing Matriazi's sketch, crafty and very-good dad Israel Walker created the bi-chair.

(Source: Facebook)

Walker learned of the chair through his bisexual daughter, shown sitting in the chair above, whose friends found the concept hilarious. While his design doesn't exactly match Matiazi's blueprint, it certainly achieves the aim of her initial design. As of the time of writing, there appear to be no plans to market the chair, though it has proven popular among the LGBT community on Facebook.

Tags: chairs, manspreading chair, lgbt, bisexual,

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