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Trump Campaign Shares Meme Comparing President To Thanos

Trump Campaign Shares Meme Comparing President To Thanos
Trump Campaign Shares Meme Comparing President To Thanos

Published December 11, 2019

Published December 11, 2019

Donald Trump generally seems to enjoy photoshopped images that make him look cool, but he may want to consult with his meme team about the type of fictional characters to whom they compare the president.

A week after Donald Trump shared picture of himself that edited his face onto Rocky's body, his campaign staff shared a meme which edited the president's face onto noted narcissistic, genocidal Avengers villain, Thanos.

This led much of Twitter to collectively facepalm, as users noted the many, many issues with the Trump team comparing the man they're trying to get re-elected to arguably the most popular movie villain of the decade.

Some, however, said the tweet may be a smarter play than it appears.

This idea may have been proven when InfoWars jumped in on the fracas to call people who said the meme made no sense "triggered leftists."

Thanos creator Jim Starlin weighed in with commentary to this effect, saying to The Huffington Post,

After my initial feeling of being violated, seeing that pompous fool using my creation to stroke his infantile ego, it finally struck me that the leader of my country and the free world actually enjoys comparing himself to a mass murderer.”

Starlin, evidently not a fan of the President, added, "These are sad and strange times we are going through. Fortunately all things, even national nightmares, eventually come to an end."

Tags: trump, thanos, meme, impeachment,

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