meme review

Monthly Review: September 2010

Monthly Review: September 2010
Monthly Review: September 2010

Published September 30, 2010

Published September 30, 2010

Monthly Review: July 2010

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Phil Davison's Stump Speech

Phil Davison is a small town councilman who unsuccessfully ran for the Treasurer position in Stark County, Ohio. Mr. Davison, who apparently holds a Master's degree in communications, became a national sensation earlier this month after delivering a furiously loud stump speech at a GOP committee meeting. His speech was captured on video and posted online by Martin Olson, a citizen journalist who was at the event for Huffington Post's midterm election coverage--ironically titled "Eyes and Ears 2010." In the span of three weeks, the clip gained over 1.5 million views and both online/offline coverage as well as several remixes.

Dude, You Have No Quran!

"Dude, You Have No Quran" is a viral catchphrase uttered by Jacob Isom, a 23 year old skater dude from Amarillo, TX, who saved the day for religion and peace by preventing a local Christian group from torching the holy book of Islam on the anniversary of 9/11 attacks. Upon snatching the Quran from the pastor who organized the event, Mr. Isom jabbed at him: "Dude… You have no Quran!" Within a few days, both the newscast and the phrase went viral on YouTube, giving way to remixes, mash-ups and even t-shirts.

Strutting Leo

Strutting Leo is an emerging photoshop trend based on a picture of Leonard Dicaprio smiling and striding on the set of 2010 sci-fi fiction film Inception, which in itself spawned an impressive volume of inside jokes commenting on its storyline. Since the launch of single topic Tumblr in August, Strutting Leo has been placed into various images depicting a catastrophe or terrible happening in similar vein to Disaster Girl.

Okay Guy

Okay Guy is a sad-faced, indecisive cousin of Rageguy. Similar to the setup of original Ragetoons, each four-paned strip usually consists of a short encounter between someone and the Okay Guy, who always ends up saying "okay" to all sorts of demands given by others, albeit reluctantly.


#iconsftw is a trending hashtag centered around a group of anthropomorphic Twitter accounts impersonating the stereotypes of popular software icons. This story began earlier this month with Apple's release of iTunes 10, which introduced a newly designed icon never seen before. Amidst the debate between those who approved it and the rest who didn't, a mysterious tweet from @iTunes10icon surfaced on the radar, speaking out in defense of the new icon design:

"Everyone's so quick to judge me. I don't judge you and that shitty, hipster music you listen to."

Soon enough, others on Twitter began creating their own "app-based" accounts, which quickly developed into an open dialogue amongst well-known software icons.

Past Issues

Tags: meme review, dude you have no quran, phil davison, #iconsftw, strutting leo, okay guy,

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