Who Is 'Nathaniel B?' The TikTok Trend Explained

In the span of just a couple of days, the humorous name turned meme trend on TikTok shifted from Quandale Dingle to a new memetic character known as Nathaniel B.
After the hilariously bad rap freestyle surfaced this month, creators could not hold back their speculation. Who is Nathaniel B? Where did Nathaniel B come from? Why did the roaster choose that terrible bar for his roastee in the first place? Let's explain.

Where Did The Original "Nathaniel B" Video Come From?
On July 31st, 2020, a TikToker named @oscar_dozzz posted a video that was "Part 5" of a six video series, all from the same "roast battle" that happened between members of his high school football team. In the video, a taller upper-classman is facing off against a smaller underclassman. It's this underclassman that levied the notorious bar.
With the crowd seemingly on his side at the start, he rapped, "That s was trash. You can't handle me. Hold up, ain't you Nathaniel B?" Of course, these bars were deemed "trash" and his teammates immediately started to laugh and jeer. One can be heard asking, "What he say?" while the rest shouted, "Get the f outta here!" After two years, the video received roughly 2.7 million plays and 397,000 likes, with most of its engagement occurring in early August 2020.
Sadly, in August 2022, @oscar_dozzz was banned on TikTok. His alt account still exists, but the original Nathaniel B video has since been deleted. Luckily, reposts were made during its 2022 resurgence.
Why Is Nathaniel B Trending On TikTok Now?
Although the original video was uploaded two years ago, it hasn't trended as a meme until this month. This is primarily due to a viral repost that was uploaded to TikTok on July 6th by TikToker @kindfellow3. The repost made the video pixelated and moldy with text overlay reading, "Who tf nathaniel b???"
After this repost went viral, earning roughly 2.3 million plays in one month, many TikTokers latched onto the concept of "Nathaniel B," mostly due to the absurdity of the name placed in the context of the video. TikTokers ironically speculated as to who Nathaniel B was, surfacing random Facebook users with the same name or tagging the Nathaniel B. Palmer research ship owned by Offshore Service Vessels LLC.
Who Is Nathaniel B?
After the video went viral again in 2022, the freestyler who uttered the "Nathaniel B" bar revealed himself in a TikTok Duet. His name was PRINCE MAJ (@princemaj3), an 18-year-old from Tennessee.
He soon explained his rationale behind the bar in a follow-up video. He relayed that he was a freshman going up against an upper-classman and was nervous to join the battle. However, he was ushered in because, at the time, he was a known SoundCloud rapper at the school. According to him, Nathaniel was the name of the upper-classman's younger brother and he added "B" just to rhyme, being an abbreviation of the word "Bro."
For the full history of "Nathaniel B," be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.