Why Do People 'Bark' For Makima Cosplayers? Chainsaw Man Meme Explained

Have you noticed that cosplayers on Twitter and Instagram have been putting a strange request to "bark for them" lately, with simps eagerly replying with "woofs" and "barks?" The origin of the trend lies with the manga and anime character Makima, and we're here to explain exactly how it came to be.

Why Do Cosplayers Ask For Others To Bark For Them?
Since March 2021, cosplayers and e-girls on Twitter and other social media have been posting their photographs paired with a rather unusual request to "bark for them."
The origin of the strange request lies with the character Makima from the manga and anime series _"Chainsaw Man": and the dynamic between her and her subordinate Denji. In the series, there's a dog-master dynamic between the duo, with Makima treating Denji as if he was her obedient pet and Denji willingly reciprocating.

In the opening sequence of the anime series, Makima can be seen leading Denji on a leash, hinting at the dynamic from the very first episode.
It was artist @yoracrab who first referenced the dynamic in a viral post in March 2021, bringing it into the spotlight. A week later, an even more viral post by cosplayer @todopokie in which she shared her Makima cosplay together with a request to bark for her went viral as users shared the tweet together with its replies. You guessed it: @todopokie's fans barked, wooded and otherwise awooga'd at the cosplayer.

Ever since, the phrase has been strongly associated with Makima cosplay and fan art, but has also been used to address one's simps independently from the Chainsaw Man character.

Who Are Makima Woofers?
Makima Woofers is a colloquial term for those who reply to requests to bark with barking and woofing. In other words, Makima Woofers are Makima simps, and woofing is their way of expressing adoration for their queen.
"Bark For Me" In Memes
The "bark for me" request, as well as those who obey it, have both found a reflection in memes within the Chainsaw Man fandom and beyond. Opinions on whether the practice is cringe or not wary, as do opinions on whether Makima is worthy of such praise and love, so it's no surprise that there's a polar difference in memes about Makima Woofers, too.

For the full history of Makima Woofers be sure to check out our entry for more information. Check our Chainsaw Man entry for even more CSM memes!