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Tanoshii Mūmin Drawing Thread

Last posted May 30, 2015 at 04:22PM EDT. Added May 07, 2015 at 08:53AM EDT
86 posts from 37 users

Okay, I think it's about time that I make a new drawing thread. I need to get some practice.

And think of better names for my threads.

Like always, I won't be drawing each and every request there is, but I'll try to do as many as I can. I'll just lay down some guidelines, so please read at least some of them before you post.

1. Don't spam requests.
- I try to draw something for everyone, so think about others before you make a new request. But if it's a good idea, then I might draw it anyway, especially if the backlog is small. If I skipped your earlier request, then you can ask for something else anytime.

2. Provide References
- Good references make things a lot easier.

3. Keep OC's and "Draw Me!" requests to a minimum
- This kind of requests are usually pretty boring, just a bit better that "Yo Dawg" requests. But if I like the idea, I might draw it anyway, so it doesn't hurt to ask.

4. Quantity harms quality
- The more work I have to do on a single picture, the more it harms the overall quality. I can't spend forever on a single picture. If the request has a lot of characters or stuff going on, I will most likely end up rushing it.

5. I can't draw everything
- Mechanical stuff and vehicles of all kind are out of my comfort zone. I'm also bad with animals and IRL based characters. I can always try, so you can still ask.

6. How to know what's coming up next?
- I try to draw most of the pictures in the order they were requested, although there can be exceptions. I will upvote the requests that I like, so the more upvotes your request has, the more likely it is coming up, especially if other people want to see it drawn too.

7. Why aren't I doing anything right now?
- My inspiration is fickle. I draw stuff on the side whenever I feel like it, and I rarely start drawing for the sole purpose of drawing. I have a life, responsibilites, and a tons of games that I need to finish. I'm also prone to procrastination. However, I will always continue from where I left off, so be patient.

Oh, and make sure you request stuff you really want to see, even if it takes a while. Don't request stuff you think up on a whim just to keep me busy, and then forget about your own request.

Last edited May 14, 2015 at 04:22PM EDT

Here is a posing polnareff.

Here is a eurofighter typhoon.

I've always wanted to see this. You replace polnareff with a fighter pilot and his stand with the jet. Along with a few "menacing" fonts.

The pilot’s not a big problem, but I really don’t draw vehicles of any kind.

If that is the case a mod should edit your post with that submission rule then.

Neo flying through the Matrix, only to accidentally take a wrong turn and end up in your browser history

My browser doesn't save any history data at all, trapping him in absolute nothingness for the remainder of his miserable life.

I got one, though you do not have to do it since I asked you to draw something not too long ago. But if you still want to:

Draw Crystal maiden (arcana version)

Doing the higurashi laugh, with a megakill spree "RAMPAGE!!!" captioned on top of it.

Make the picture at least waist height, or more or less if you want to. Also you do not have to include the puppy if you do not want to, she might scare him anyways.

Once again, keep up the awesome work, and thank you.

Last edited May 07, 2015 at 06:22PM EDT


These are not exactly mentioned on the opening post, since I can at least try doing pretty much everything, but still, there are a few semi-rules.

1. I don't care much about drawing avatars and OC's, unless it's a fun idea.

2. How much I like an idea, affects how well I'll try and draw it, as well as my comfortability with the subject. Also, multiple characters most likely will drop the overall quality. Since I draw slowly, and have a lot of stuff to do, I can't spend too long on one picture.

3. I'm bad at drawing mechanical stuff and vehicles. I can try but don't expect anything special.

4. I will upvote the requests that I like, and/or feel are doable. But even if I don't instantly +1 your request, that does not necessarily mean I won't consider drawing it later.

Muumi wrote:

Replace Polnareff with a fighter pilot and his stand with the jet.

The pilot's not a big problem, but I really don't draw vehicles of any kind.

You know, I didn't really think it would turn out this way. But nevertheless.
USER: Warriorman
STAND: Eurofighter Typhoon

Speed and manoeuvrability

Eurofighter Typhoon has incredible thrust to weight ratio and manoeuvrable airframe to count. It will protect itself by evading attacks that come at it.

Weapon variety

It will use an array of weapons for multiple purposes be it ground attack ,midair or launching objects into space. However the more weapons will increase wingloading and make it less manoeuvrable.

Extreme BVR

It will use RADAR and IRST to see enemies at beyond visual range.

Asura wrote:

You do not have to do it since I asked you to draw something not too long ago.

It's cool man, your requests have been some of my favourites, and Dota characters are usually pretty fun to draw, even if I know nothing about 'em. It's also fun to draw for someone who appreciates the stuff I do.

Draw Crystal maiden (arcana version) Doing the higurashi laugh, with a megakill spree “RAMPAGE!!!” captioned on top of it.

Last edited May 08, 2015 at 11:48AM EDT
Me. Yup, me. Okay. Bye.

Not the most creative of requests, but since it was you who asked, eh, whatever.

Kinda reminds me of Lysandre.


In all honesty, I kinda dunno what to do with your request…

Seems like someone else also wants to see it drawn, but as much as I hate to say it, I kinda find the character a bit unsettling. The belly button makes it kinda… wrong. I could just redraw the character my way, if that's okay with you?

I can also talk about the design in case you want to ask questions, tips, opinions, etc. Just pop by my wall if you want to. I'm always open for discussion.


Okay, here you go. I did just a basic redraw with my own style, and I've gotta say that this was pretty work intensive drawing. I just tried to make it a bit cuter, but since we might not share our view on what's cute, I can't be sure if you'll like it. It kinda looks like some weird magical girl version or something.

At least this was pretty different from the stuff I usually draw in a way, and I had dun drawing it.


Man, it's been ages since the last time I've drawn a monster, and even longer since the last time I drew a monster girl. It was quite refreshing to do this one. She turned out a bit more sexy than adorable though. I quess I used up my stock of adorable on the last pic I did.

It's funny to see how I'm slowly getting warmed up with drawing during this thread though. I guess I have more time to focus on each drawing now that I got over the initial request flood.

Hope 'ya like the cecaelia Cecaelia.

Muumi wrote:


Man, it's been ages since the last time I've drawn a monster, and even longer since the last time I drew a monster girl. It was quite refreshing to do this one. She turned out a bit more sexy than adorable though. I quess I used up my stock of adorable on the last pic I did.

It's funny to see how I'm slowly getting warmed up with drawing during this thread though. I guess I have more time to focus on each drawing now that I got over the initial request flood.

Hope 'ya like the cecaelia Cecaelia.

I love it. :D

Thank you! I think I'll definitely use your drawing as an avatar one day!

Muumi wrote:


These are not exactly mentioned on the opening post, since I can at least try doing pretty much everything, but still, there are a few semi-rules.

1. I don't care much about drawing avatars and OC's, unless it's a fun idea.

2. How much I like an idea, affects how well I'll try and draw it, as well as my comfortability with the subject. Also, multiple characters most likely will drop the overall quality. Since I draw slowly, and have a lot of stuff to do, I can't spend too long on one picture.

3. I'm bad at drawing mechanical stuff and vehicles. I can try but don't expect anything special.

4. I will upvote the requests that I like, and/or feel are doable. But even if I don't instantly +1 your request, that does not necessarily mean I won't consider drawing it later.

I edited it into the OP post.

Also, I noticed a different mod made your OP post editable as well. So in the future if you need to change up some stuff in the OP post, it's there to use.

And while at it, since your main avatar is still Miku, how about drawing Miku as Judge Dredd to represent your rule spree.

Last edited May 09, 2015 at 06:18PM EDT

Muumi wrote:


Okay, here you go. I did just a basic redraw with my own style, and I've gotta say that this was pretty work intensive drawing. I just tried to make it a bit cuter, but since we might not share our view on what's cute, I can't be sure if you'll like it. It kinda looks like some weird magical girl version or something.

At least this was pretty different from the stuff I usually draw in a way, and I had dun drawing it.

Frigging… love it! <3


Draw the almighty Mr.Popo for me, maggot.

Ironically enough, this picture had so much black in it, that I had to color it digitally in order not to use up all my markers. At first I tried drawing him on the Iron Throne, but his body type is kinda difficult to draw well for me, especially in a tricky position.

DJKing wrote:

The #SH crew. For old time’s sake.

That might take quite a lot of work to do, but for old time's sake, I'll definitely at least try drawing it. That'd be me, Natsuru, NoOne, Kouhai, Samekichi, you, Suiseiseki, Bob, Ann Hiro and Medley. Am I missing someone else from the crew?


I didn't think about drawing this one at first, but since it got upvotes from other people, I decided to draw it anyway. Though I didn't quite know what I was supposed to be doing with it.

Why is it that some of these pics require me to get out of my comfort zone and color the flats digitally? 13 year old photoshop and a mouse for the win. I guess it's practice, so I can't complain.

@Natsuru, Kouhai, and DJKing

I'll combine all your requests into a single picture. So if anyone else from the #SH crew wants to make special requests regarding their characters, I guess now's the time.


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