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Photoshop Contest #67: Gru's Plan

Last posted Mar 19, 2018 at 11:08AM EDT. Added Mar 11, 2018 at 11:27PM EDT
34 posts from 26 users

Long time no contest.

So, there has been a dearth of creative exploitables recently, save for the ever hated "Things I Don't Like" ones. Thankfully there is finally one that is not just a "thing I don't like" formula that I felt we had to do a contest over.

This contest is Gru's Plan

Normal template:

Deep Fried Template

While you can do edits to the text, feel free (as in please, I'm begging you) try to be more creative than just object labeling in terms of photoshopping.

Upload non-meta images to the Gru's Plan gallery (meta ones can go into the KYM gallery or one of it's relevant sub entries). Just make sure the ones you post here are your own edits and have fun.

Last edited Mar 11, 2018 at 11:31PM EDT

Believe it or not I actually made this, it got to #2 on r/memes and has over 6k upvotes!

Last edited Mar 12, 2018 at 05:16PM EDT

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