Gordon smiles and points over to the refrigerator. "Hey, come on now, guys! Let's just have a few drinks and just become friends, eh? You can't have too many friends, especially in times like these!"
The other survivors regard Gordon with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. After deliberating among themselves, one of them comes forwards and replies, "Alright. Yeah, you know, we've been getting pretty stressed over this whole situation." One of them grabs the beer from the fridge and starts passing around the bottles.
Two of them refuse the beer. "I hope you don't mind…"
Gordon shakes his head. "It's more than alright. Some of ours don't drink either."
After a few beers, one of the other survivors points at Gordon. "Hey… I know you! You're Gordon Rogers! Hey, I saw you play a coffee house out in Philly like three years back!"
Gordon cracks open another beer. "Oh really? Heh, never thought I'd end up finding a fan out here."
"Oh yeah! I love your stuff and I love how-"
Another of the survivor's group rolls his eyes as he snarks, "And here we go. 'Hey! Gordon Rogers music is great! He hasn't made a terrible song! I like old music that nobody listens to anymore!' Blah blah blah…"
The first survivor shakes his head. "Don't listen to him. He's an asshole. Anyway, I had been working on becoming comfortable enough to perform but this whole thing went down. Would you mind if I sang a song for you?"
Gordon shakes his head. "Nah, go right ahead, man."
The other survivor nods and begins to sing
"My name is Captain Kidd
As I sailed, as I sailed,
Oh my name is Captain Kidd as I sailed,
My name is Captain Kidd
And God's laws I did forbid,
And most wickedly I did as I sailed.
My father taught me well
To shun the gates of hell,
But against him I rebelled as I sailed,
He shoved a bible in my hand
But I left it in the sand
And I pulled away from land,
As I sailed"
As the survivor sings the chorus again, Gordon joins in. Throughout the song, the other survivors seem much less tense and some even smile as they listen to the tune.