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[Repost] Order something from SCP-294

Last posted May 09, 2015 at 01:25PM EDT. Added Mar 23, 2015 at 05:01PM EDT
36 posts from 16 users

I order a good thread. The machine releases a jet of riff-raff scented hot air, followed by a few drops of melted cheese mixed with General Discussion.

You get a viscous fluid with a colourful pattern and different flavours.

I order a sandvich.

[I forgot to tell you how to paly. Sorry. You order something and the next poster describes what you get.Then he/she orders something and so on.]

Last edited Mar 24, 2015 at 02:23AM EDT

A blue bottle with classic a Nuka-Cola label is dispensed from the machine. When you crack it open and drink it, a rush of seventeen fruit flavors explodes across you tongue, blending well with the classic Cola taste. You also feel the kick of the Strontium additive, increasing your Rads by 10.

I order a cup of Google Cloud.

You receive a cup of a clear colourless liquid. Upon drinking it you immediately become aware of the answer to everything that has ever been or will be asked. The mysteries of life and the Universe become completely clear and you transcend the level of ordinary man into that of omnipotent being for a fraction of a second. After that fraction of a second you immediately begin smashing your head on the floor as hard as you are physically able in order to end what you now realize is a completely insignificant and meaningless life.

I order a cup of "ignorance".

You get a black liquid. After drinking it, you immediately go to your kitchen, spill gasoline all over the floor, light a match and say "What's the worse that could happen?"
I order "the thing i was supposed to do"

A cup of white fluid is dispensed from the machine. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be made of paper and black ink…

I order "A steaming hot cup of disappointment."

Hey, that was my thread! I'm thrilled that someone enjoyed it!

Just a reminder, 294 dispenses everything in a simple paper cup. The cup can have things written on it, and it will hold whatever's in it without burning/melting/whatever, but it's always in the same sort of cup.


A cup is dispensed. Steam is wafting out of the cup, but there is nothing inside.


This song emanates from the machine as a cup of raspberry juice is dispensed. You also notice innumerable small burns on the wall behind you that weren't there before as you leave the room.

With my pocket change, I shall order a refreshing cup of "MLG".

Deathseller wrote:

I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a diet soda


…This is a reference to something I've seen. San Andreas? Big Smoke in the drive thru?

Last edited Mar 30, 2015 at 12:52AM EDT

"I won't let you die! Healing Light!"

A murky, almost opaque liquid smelling much like cheap whiskey is dispensed. Consuming the drink, which tastes much like a combination of lead and flat root beer causes an almost deafening bang to be emitted from the cup as it is blasted from your hand and onto the floor, and leaving a sizeable hole in the roof. If you have hair, there's some debris in it. Upon looking in the cup, a single .50 BMG casing is inside of it, and the casing has a remarkably detailed depiction of a beheaded Deathclaw etched into it.

I sure do hope this doesn't just become to two of us. That's no fun. In any case, I think I'll indulge in a fine glass of Chuckola Reserve.

Deathseller wrote:


Nobody decided to answer this one. A liquid containing chicken, cheese, some bullets and remains of a car, apparently dispenses out.

I'd like a cup of don, please.

wat tambor wrote:

Nobody decided to answer this one. A liquid containing chicken, cheese, some bullets and remains of a car, apparently dispenses out.

I'd like a cup of don, please.

An unstoppable wave of liquid memes spray out of the machine, flooding the room. A cup flies out from a side compartment, landing just within reach.

I'll wait for my last order to be delivered.

The cup is filled only half way with a tepid red liquid before a buffering symbol begins flashing on SCP-294's screen. The beverage is ultimately disappointing, tasting like terribly diluted Koolaid.

I'd like a cup of the solar system.

Last edited May 08, 2015 at 10:39PM EDT

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