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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

True that, I'm pretty sure a lot of people go to KYM first for any sort of question about anything meme-related, so it is an influential site. Heck, I wouldn't know half of what I do about various fandoms and stuff without KYM. Pony included.

As for discussing Pony elsewhere… I really don't do it. Really, this is the only place I do anything even vaguely related to the show. I do have one friend who also watches it regularly, so I do talk to them about it occasionally, but that's it.

That being said, it was my birthday yesterday!!!

Yes, my friends did end up buying Equestria Girls for me (I really wish I was there to watch them buy it though… it would have been funny!), and yes we did watch it. It was… interesting. It wasn't terrible. It had its moments.

They also got me Pony Monopoly (yeah, they went all out for this). Huh. I guess they have Monopoly for everything these days.

@KYM's Influence

KYM is probably more influential than most people realize, in the same way that Wikipedia is influential of society's common knowledge. Tons of information is gathered from there for whenever you want or need to "look something up", and credit is never given because it isn't felt to be needed. KYM is like that for memes, but I feel this could be a double-edged sword for the Web that uses it. The chief problem that I see, is that we canonize things. We mark an official-ity to web culture (even if not intentionally, people see it that way), something that previously never had anything of the sort. People cite us as a mark of authority to claims concerning web culture, when we aren't and shouldn't be. Our influence helps propagate some ideas into memetic status, but may accidentally hinder others, depending on the predispositions of our site's collective consciousness. Advice Animals might not have become such a widespread understanding of what a meme is if we hadn't been snatching them up for documentation at the first sign of their propagation (and needing things to put on the front page). The point being that we canonize something that was much healthier under a more fluid "fanon" mode of recognition. Memes felt more natural when you didn't go looking for them and they just snuck up on the web and "before you knew it, it was a meme."

But I don't even leave here anymore to experience web culture, because I know the web will be brought back to me here. And it makes me sad, because I feel the rushed nature of documenting each new potential meme, the bias of the site's super-ego, each submission judged in its eyes, and half the web taking this judgement as the immutable canon of the Internet; every little thing living the life of a reverse bonsai, growing huge and withering off just as quickly. It might have lived longer and fuller were the Web not so eager to see its own fruit blossom…from the idealized view of KYM's records. And I am complicit with it all. The Web feels so small from in here. So full of pony.

My god…it's happening again. Locking myself in my castle, watching the world from the Internet; now locking myself in KYM, watching the Internet…from its database. (T-T)

I wish I could see the Internet with fresh eyes and fall in love with it again…

EDIT: Happy Birthday!

Last edited Oct 21, 2013 at 12:02PM EDT

Happy birthday!

@Discussing pony
KYM and a Dutch forum for MLP are about the only places where I talk about ponies. Sometimes via skype with people that like pone, but outside of those three places, no.

Last edited Oct 21, 2013 at 12:31PM EDT

Thanks everyone! This is why this forum is such a cool place!


Currently, I’m in class. But later on, if you want some pone pics of the… late night quality… I’d be more than willing to provide…

Yeah, I'm in class too… Something like that would get really weird really fast! Hah!

In an alternate universe where I live in a city with nicer weather (and hopefully better public transit), I would be posting about a "Rainbow Dash holding Scootaloo up as she flies through the air" chalking. However, in this universe it rained. Yet, I still have something to share. Check out my new laptop decal!

I got it from this Etsy shop, it looks pretty great and wasn't too hard to put on (I got the "glossy permanent" one). They also have the mane six (Twi has both winged and wingless versions), Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Derpy, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, Big Mac, Trixie, Soarin, and Spike. Some of them have special colors appropriate to the pony, as well. I just might buy more laptops so that I can put more of these decals on them. If any of you bards come across any good pony decals in your travels, do share them as well.

Also, profound birthday wishes, Commodore Perry 64!

Commodore 64 wrote:

True that, I'm pretty sure a lot of people go to KYM first for any sort of question about anything meme-related, so it is an influential site. Heck, I wouldn't know half of what I do about various fandoms and stuff without KYM. Pony included.

As for discussing Pony elsewhere… I really don't do it. Really, this is the only place I do anything even vaguely related to the show. I do have one friend who also watches it regularly, so I do talk to them about it occasionally, but that's it.

That being said, it was my birthday yesterday!!!

Yes, my friends did end up buying Equestria Girls for me (I really wish I was there to watch them buy it though… it would have been funny!), and yes we did watch it. It was… interesting. It wasn't terrible. It had its moments.

They also got me Pony Monopoly (yeah, they went all out for this). Huh. I guess they have Monopoly for everything these days.

Also, Pony Monopoly? I've been wanting that ever since it was first announced.

RandomMan wrote:

I can already tell this one's gonna be a tasty shitstorm. Equestria Girls' shit-tier dolls? Alright, we already got through that. Giving them crappy recolors to make them glam metal (or, as Dave Mustaine called it, "gay LA metal") stars? It's just setting the scene for a gangbusters week of butthurt and rage.

Now, everybody take your seats. Blue, get out of the projector and get down here. RM and Mark, stop making out and pay attention. Stunt, take off your night vision goggles. Shitstorm's about to start.

Last edited Oct 21, 2013 at 07:57PM EDT

Hey guys, last year I asked for a ponification of the San Francisco Giants and Detroit Tigers logos for the World Series. I wonder what the ponification of the St. Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox would be and which ponies would root for which team.

RandomMan wrote:

Yeah… I know it doesn't capture the characters personalities at all, but honestly my first thought was it's the kind of thing my 7 year old cousin and her friends would go crazy for so as a toy it completes it's purpose.. Though 3 guitarists and two singers isn't the most versatile line-up… Applejack – Drummer, Rainbow Dash – lead Guitar, Fluttershy – Base, Twilight – lead vocals, Rarity – pianist, Pinkie Pie – back-up vocals and guitar. – Though I'm bored and have work I'd like to avoid doing so if we want to riot over this then I'm all for it!

@Commodore 64

Happy Birthday! ( This might be a bit late.. I don't know what timezone you're in)




Last edited Oct 21, 2013 at 10:43PM EDT

vintiezre said:

I’m a bit scared to venture from KYM to discuss pony, seeing that other sites are a bit less friendly.
Also, how influential is KYM on internet culture?

If you'd like another forum, the TV Tropes Pony Forum is just as light and kind as KYM (probably even more so as they never talk about raping users or non-sexually jacking off to them). Be warned, though, the place moves a mile a minute (if they go more than three hours without a post, cries of "the Thread died" or "I killed the Thread" resound) and their debates over Fallout: Equestria and power levels (which is stronger, an Earth Pony or a Pegasus?) can leave nothing but a desolate wasteland in its wake. They're also eternally paranoid that they're one infraction away from the mods launching a banhammer from orbit and nuking the thread.

As for KYM's influence. I think that's tricky. To the best of my knowledge, no "internet wide" memes have originated from KYM. In that regard, 4chan, Something Awful,, and Reddit are all vastly more influence in shaping internet "culture." However, KYM acts as a gateway into the internet. Many people, curious as to what "jimmies" or "nope.avi" are referring to, google them and stumble upon here, where they quickly are able to decipher the complex language and vocabulary that the internet uses (it's why I'll never understand those that go "I hate memes. They're nothing but an inside joke only a few will get" Yeah, sure they are. And all you have to do to get in on the joke is spend two minutes googling it).

Without KYM and its similar sites (Urban Dictionary, Encyclopedia Dramatica before it became shit [if it was ever not shit], Oh Internet, etc), it's very likely many memes would never have proliferated as few would understand their meaning and wouldn't be able to spread them.

CrashGordon94 said:

Is some random weird Chinese toy being a bootleg so implausible that you’re gonna go [citation needed] on my ass? What everyone here was saying was logical and made a lot of sense so I don’t have any particularly huge reason to doubt it.

Why is it that every confirmed rumor starts this way? Cadance and Shining Armor were "just some Hasbro OC's that they're using for a party." Sombra was "a Hubworld pony that'll have no bearing on the show." Twilicorn was "a bad vector/error by the artist." Sunset Shimmer was simply "one of those silly toy blurbs." Denial's the first step, next comes the anger.

Honestly, though, I really would like it if the non-panicky, shitstorm-immune people were correct. The idea of everypony becoming an alicorn just isn't very palpable to me.


@The actual picture

Loliamnyancat said:

Hi everypony, i am new and i want to say hi. Hi! Whats is going on here?

Turn back now before you get lured in by the siren's song! Oh no, I already hear it!

The following topics have been resolved, and anyone who says otherwise is a rabble-rouser:
>Best Pony (Twilight Sparkle)
>Best Background Pony (Applejack)
>Best Princess (Luna)
>Best Pie (Chocolate Cream)
>Best American Car Company (Ford)
>Best CMC (Sweetie Belle)
>Best Rock Type (Basalt)
>Best Noun (Whoremonger)
>Best Video Game (Sim City 4)
>Best Color (Blue)
>Best Number (1,673,967,905)

That should be a good enough intro.

Last edited Oct 21, 2013 at 11:38PM EDT

I just got back from work. Is it too late to give birthday wishes to Commodore? Happy birthday! …yea I'm too late.


Oh that's not so bad, I can handle that. I've seen Bratz dolls and Barbies looks more cringeworthy than that. In fact they too had a rock-n-roll Barbie and all the Bratz dolls looked like Miley Cyrus

Just another fine concequence of the Hasbro product meeting. Moving along, nothing more to see here…


Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 02:20AM EDT

@'Bootleg' Fluttershy
Technically, no one was making the argument that it couldn't be real, just that there was very little evidence to support it (Taobao occasionally gets Hasbro merch out early) and plenty of evidence against it (Taobao also sells a crap-ton of bootlegs and knock-offs, Larson joking about it, the fact that it just doesn't make a lot of narrative sense, etc.).
So yes, it is still possible that Alicorn Fluttershy is real and season four will hold new fandom-crushing surprises, but I'm keeping a healthy dose of skepticism for now.

@Glam Pones
I don't know…
I'll go out on a limb here and say that I don't find them overly cringe-worthy, at least no more so than the standard dolls.
Then again, I've always been of fan of the ridiculous, over-the-top silliness of glam rock anyway so…

Still not going to buy them, in any case.

Know that your posting here is the new Event Horizon of your life!
You may orbit for some time or be completely destroyed, but no matter what…

You can never leave…

xTSGx said:

Best Rock Type (Basalt)

You get that schist out of here or I mica have to breccia your face!

With all that out of the way,

"Look at what I found on the internet, baaaaaaabies!"


Yep, it's (sadly) the final episode of Rainbow Dash Presents!
Chock full of the usual ridiculous dialogue, overly clingy Rainbow Dash, and everything else you've come to expect from one of the best pony parody series out there.

Rarity's Hot Minute:

Fashion, giant hats, Twilicorn, and-
Wait, what was that about Spike?

And finally, some Scootalove to go out on:

Just a very pretty song and video.
Makes me want to hug Scootaloo even more than I usually do.
I so hope we get some nice emotional moments out of these two in season four (and beyond).
There is just so much potential for some beautiful interaction if the creators are willing/able to take it there.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Nobody posting about Calpain?

Oh that's probably because we've gotten used to him appearing everywhere around the entire fandom, seeing his OC rendered in everyones artwork as if it were conceived by Faust herself and getting passed around every fansite like a cheap hooker



As for your latest artpiece. I can tell that you are looking for more critique on your work. You appear to insist that your skills are terrible despite overwhelming evidence on the contrary and I'm guessing thats because you want us to tell you it is. You want feedback that points out flaws and confirms mediocrity so that you have reassurance that you haven't hit the ceiling and there's still somewhere for you to go and more challenges ahead. Lately all you've been getting instead is "omg, so awesome" but that doesn't explain why you didn't hit Ponies Plus

So I'm going to go ahead and break from the traditional response to your art and point out several artistic errors and bad practices in your work which you must improve on…






I'm sorry. I got nothing man.

But you are right. I think there are a lot more quality artists out there now and I think the standards are higher. Your skills are certainly on par, but perhaps you need to mix things up a little in order to grab the spotlight again? I.E: Different themes or styles?

Now now. I'm not a cheap hooker. I do have standards you know and make sure those Johns use a condom after all!;)

Sorry for the scare awhile back though. I'm not sure what happened to me, but I became completely burned out and decided to just end it all with the fandom. But thanks to fans I realized there is still a lot of good to be done and I just can't leave it at that so to speak.

Anyhow, it is good to be back and I appreciate the support during the downtime. I will say, I never ask for the pictures I go, they just appear it seems and I appreciate that form of support. I've never been a person that wants tons of glory or attention after all and if my statement to leave did turn out like that, I do apologize for it coming off that way.

@Loila: Welcome to the thread! Hope you enjoy your stay.

@Calpain: I just want to say welcome back (to the fandom in general, at least). I may not personally be very familiar with you but I have heard the other users here talk about you and I'm glad that you weren't driven away forever, it's always sad when that happens.

Kewln00b said:

“>Best Number (1,673,967,905)” I still call that as bullshit man. 298 is best Number.


Blue Screen said:


So I take it you enjoy it? I have to say that that is one of the most cringy videos I've ever come across.

Calpain said:

Sorry for the scare awhile back though. I’m not sure what happened to me, but I became completely burned out and decided to just end it all with the fandom.

I'll repeat what I said on EQD. Silly, Calpain. Thinking you could just get off the ride. Mr. Goldner's Wild Ride doesn't stop for anybody.

You really should post here more often. The more you post, the more likely it is we can corrupt influence you and organize a secret cabal to take over the fandom. Plus, it's a stress free environment*. And you can non-sexually jack off in peace without having to worry about people yelling at you about missing cake.

*stress free environment not guaranteed for pages 170-200, whenever Jolly Jew posts, or when we have conversations about the word "faggot" and its meaning in an ever changing world

Blue Screen said:

I don’t have boobs, so sign my butt instead

So you don't have manboobs? Damn, there goes that fetish…

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 06:01AM EDT

Easy now. You never get all hyped about LavosVSBahamut. Let's not lose our cool over a doctoral student. We got a couple of smart kids around too (and they do bench science as well.)

You say you don't like all the attention stuff, so I won't give you much. It's good to see you doing well, Calpain. I'd post a picture of Twilight for you, but I'm on a train to work, and the Textile was hard enough to work on a phone.

Don't scare him off with the Fifths' joke, xTSGx. That Still disturbs me, and I lurk this thread all of the time.

Question: When are we getting a soundtrack? Calpain or DeadParrot got some inside info? These are things I need to know, bruhs.

Disty wrote:

Any reason you needed to say hi three times? Hi Hi Hi…

Oh that reminds me… Japonies (japanese bronies)

BTW it looks like i am late for a lated birthday celebration and we have a newcomer.. And an old ghost.. Happy birthday Commodore. Hello Loliamnyancat and wb Calpain.

I don’t have boobs, so sign my butt instead

Like everyone do? Regular?

@TV Tropes Pony Forum

Oh look, they are using links more than embed. I think we also need to do this kind of thing for saving the cpu you know?
Too bad (!) i don't see any tl;dr. Maybe because of they are trying to keep the thread alive.

(if they go more than three hours without a post, cries of “the Thread died” or “I killed the Thread” resound)

>forum users are deadly scared from the death of thread
>They love their threads
>MLP forum is on the top of the tv tropes forums

Are they?…. Our lost brother?? They need this forum. Someone! Send them here!

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 09:57AM EDT

So they have discovered that we have discovered them

Weird, the similar thing had happened a few times between the /mlp/ board on 4chan and pony threads on futaba channel. And furthermore! Japan anons contributed to live smut anon's artwork a little.
What would happen between two forums? I wonder..


Lmao Rin. Why you just don't/won't post a direct link to here?

My body is ready..

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 10:52AM EDT

Man I wish I was an oldfag old enough to know who Calpain is. Oh well, like my father taught me if I can't beat them, conform and flow with the flow and lose what may or may not be left of what makes me unique to make friends! Calpain you magnificent [insert whatever reason why Calpain is fucking awesome] sign my hoof! (Yeah, I had my feet surgically replaced with hooves to fit in when everyone on /mlp/ were talking about how hooves were the best things ever. Man imagine how stupid I looked when I found out they only liked hooves on FEMALE ponies. Man we had some communication problems back then.)

Rin may i ask you something?
Is this "Japanese Teeth" some kind of RandomMan?

Also i have reading all those post on that thread, their conversations are little complex or untidy.
>voodoo potato fields
gosh.. Is this sort of "jacking off non-sexually" ? We may have some communication problems..

Last edited Oct 22, 2013 at 12:17PM EDT

Calpain wrote:

Now now. I'm not a cheap hooker. I do have standards you know and make sure those Johns use a condom after all!;)

Sorry for the scare awhile back though. I'm not sure what happened to me, but I became completely burned out and decided to just end it all with the fandom. But thanks to fans I realized there is still a lot of good to be done and I just can't leave it at that so to speak.

Anyhow, it is good to be back and I appreciate the support during the downtime. I will say, I never ask for the pictures I go, they just appear it seems and I appreciate that form of support. I've never been a person that wants tons of glory or attention after all and if my statement to leave did turn out like that, I do apologize for it coming off that way.

It didn't come off like you wanted a ton of praise for what you do, not at all even. You were just stressed out a bit, college and a lot of other stuff, that can get to a person. A lot of us have been there, the difference being how we react to it.

You took a small break, it worked its wonders, and now you're apparently back again. Let's be happy with that result.

Now go back to the shadows of ancient inactivity and lurk, like all the other good posters that abandon us ;_;

Oh my GOd! We have a celebrity in our forums! I should say something!


So you don’t have manboobs? Damn, there goes that fetish…

Blue Screen doesn't need boobs. He already has a cute butt. What's there to complain about?

@TVTropes Pony Thread
Oh look, more friends (maybe). That's cool. Perhaps I'll check it out.


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