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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

UnKewln00b wrote:

Oh boy, they added Nightmare night costumes to the MLP game! Although I'm still rustled that for that Equestria Girls mini-game instead of putting the song that they sang in the cafeteria they put the song from that scary live action Equestria Girls commercial. Also with their last how many updates the game runs with a 20 second delay in everything I do.

@Bluescreen Not everyone…..Just Jimmy!!!!

@Spoilers Holy shiznit people, didn't you guys just see all the posts saying SPOILER YOUR SHIT? Do we have to warn people against posting NSFW pictures again just in case?

Sorry, my bad.

Looks like the Everfree Forest is going to be, probably, a major plot point in this season. Is not official.
Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 12:58PM EDT

Alright, guys. Let’s all listen up for my sake and for various others’. I don’t like these meta posts, as you all might know, but I think it may be necessary here.

It’s been a long drought, everyone. Remember that not everyone here wasn’t posting actively while Season 3 episodes were airing. They may not know about our unspoken rules about spoilers, so let me refresh ourselves as I remember them. Feel free to chime in if I’m getting them wrong.

  • Don’t post anything regarding episodes that haven’t aired yet without spoiling it some how. This can be through spoiler buttons with: <div class="spoiler">Whatever you want to say here.</div>
  • or by making your text white so you have to highlight to see it with: %{color:white}Whatever you want to say.%
  • Once the episode has aired on The Hub, then just avoid Pony General until you can see it. It’s usually posted on Equestria Daily about an hour after the episode, if not sooner,
  • There are also large posts on Equestria Daily that stay “bumped” with sites that stream the episode live.
    • Oddly enough, Hasbro tends to be relatively lax on this considering EqD is the most well-known hub for bronies online. They haven’t asked EqD to stop from posting these streams or to not post links to YouTube episodes until a day or two after the episode first airs.

So keep those guidelines in mind. It’s a bit of hassle to constantly spoiler your stuff. It’s not as easy as !ImageURL.jpg! or “TextForLink”, but it helps us all to enjoy talking to each other about the show and the fandom. That’s the main goal of this thread (I still maintain that this serves as a hangout as a secondary feature. We aren’t bound to each other by personalities and friendships originally. We are bound by our like/interest in the show and the fandom. Any heavy chit-chat that isn’t related to the show or fandom (no, KYM PG isn’t the “fandom.”) should be kept to walls. That was an interesting chain talking about us and TvTropes though, since that includes the greater Web (Platus included, if not especially. I do love you, man, but moderators need to set a good example. Users, especially new ones, follow our leads. Make use of the walls if you only ask why I told Sweatie I’m black or add a picture related to the thread.) I will stand firmly on this.

Let it also be known…that I’m really trying my best to be nice here. I am very close to going Derpy Vazquez on several of you. Not because you’re spoiling things for me (although that would be bothersome.) I usually lurk. Due to a few reasons (a few that disappoint me, because I would like to be more active here,) I’m not really a KYM PG poster anymore.

But because you’re spoiling things for a lot of other people here as well. And even if I can’t be around all that much or participate as much as I would like, it still burns me up to know friends of mine are having literally months of anticipation inappropriately and unnecessarily ruined just because people don’t want to copy and paste HTML, they can’t pay attention, or (worst) just plain don’t care as long as they can say what’s on their minds (which is very unfortunate, because most of the people I have in mind haven’t said much of note since they’ve begun posting making all of their spoiler talk not only infuriating but inanely infuriating. It’s like I have to pay a small piece of life to read some posts that just lower my intellect a bit.) Me on my worst day gets me suspended for saying what I really think about people. Just because you like me and respect me doesn’t mean I like or respect you. Just because I tend to be nice doesn’t mean that’s my nature (especially when annoyed.) I’m just nice because I believe I should be due to my faith, my role as moderator, my self-declared role as a friendly user on KYM, and just for introducing a “good” influence to others so they can enjoy the site and to help create a culture of it.

I am quite cynical. If I don’t think a person is capable of changing, then embarrassing and potentially emotionally cutting a person to the point they don’t want to come back to a thread in order to keep things nice for those who can follow rules and don’t lack the capability for the basics of being considerate is not far from my natural inclinations. And I don’t usually felt regret about it (when I say I’m a jerk, this is what I’m talking about.)

So tl;dr: Use Spoilers.

%{color:white}Whatever you want to say.%

<div class="spoiler">Whatever you want to say here.</div>
I apologize. I can’t post Pony right now, because I’m at work. I might try to edit a favorite picture in on my phone in a bit.

Poni (and Pokèmon.)

Julian Yeo is trying to murder us.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 03:38PM EDT

Sorry. I couldn't really spoiler because I was on my phone at the time and forgot the code. As for the "Rarity is worst pony" thing, you all took it way too seriously. I don't really think any pony is worst pony (except maybe Diamond Tiara), but whenever I say something like that, it's a satire.

As for the Everfree Forest engulfing Equestria and Celly and Luna going missing… damn, I think this may be the darkest the entire franchise has gone. I'm actually very impressed, moreso than I ever was during S3.

I'd like to see Vinyl, Octavia, and maybe Wild Fire make an appearance during the episode, too. Maybe vines from the Everfree could destroy Vinyl and Octavia's performances or something (for example, a vine getting caught in Vinyl's turntables).



No? Okay. I'm so lost on time right now, when is the premier again?

Time for Halloween poni (?)

I also like the new dark stuff. New things are always welcome. Some drama is always good to keep the public in expectations

EDIT: Damn, why are these pictures so big here?

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 05:20PM EDT

Verbose wrote:

So tl;dr: Use Spoilers.

%{color:white}Whatever you want to say.%

<div class="spoiler">Whatever you want to say here.

An addition to this, especially spoilers. (I'm not a fan of white text, easily missed compared to that sweet ass spoiler button.)

You can change the title of your spoiler, it's very simple even, just add the following to the opening html: <div class="spoiler" title="Whatever you want here">. That's it, that's all there is to it. Very helpful when you're spoilering something not S4-related, like a shitton of images.

You also noticed that the posts above me have small text below the spoiler, this also has a cause. It's because you made the html and text one straight line. For the best use of a spoiler button, you need to seperate the line of code from the text.

So for example:

<div class="spoiler" title="Example 1">Text shows up like this.</div>

Will turn out like the following:

Text shows up like this.

Whereas the following simple addition of a few white lines creates nice text.

<div class="spoiler" title="Example 2">

Text now shows up normally.


Text now shows up normally.

Small addtion, but it will really help you make good use of spoiler buttons and makes it more comfortable for others to read your posts.

And as some of you might've noticed, I'm sticking to my old punishment game of RM erotica whenever I have to put the spoiler button there for you. No spoiler = Gay for me.

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

Sorry. I couldn’t really spoiler because I was on my phone at the time and forgot the code.

That's no excuse.

If you give enough shits for this thread to post on it from your cellphone, you can give enough shits for the posters of this thread to either look up the code first or wait until you get home and then look it up. Most of us here are familiar with my textile thread; laziness is no excuse.

Also pone.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 06:08PM EDT

@MLP game
I haven't been able to play that game for, like, two eternities. Every time I try to open it my device just freaks out and closes to the home screen. Then it sprays me with some bad smelling liquid and punches me in the face with a boxing glove on a spring. Stupid technology.

@Suson fyor spaylors

Not a lot to say about this. It does sound pretty good, though, and I'm glad we get to see some more building on Celestia and Lunas characters, the elements and the everfree forest. I imagine more than a few analyst are going to die as a result of conflicting headcanon.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 06:12PM EDT

Please spoiler, it's really not that hard. Saying you're on another device really isn't an excuse either; every mobile device with internet capability I've used lets you open multiple tabs.

I do like what they're trying to do with explaining the Elements of Harmony a bit more. I mean, don't explain them in detail, but some history could be cool.

Also could they just remember its a childrens show and not make it really fanservicey for us?

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 06:27PM EDT

How does it feel anons Pony thread denizens? Knowing that in a few weeks we'll be having a new episode of Pone every week until May/June/July (don't exactly know which but considering Season 2 ended in April and this season starts two months later than Season 2 it'll probably end in June)? It feels great doesn't it, I'll leave you all to your Poners in peace Get it? Poners! Pony + Boners! OH HO HO HO HO that's so clever it slaps me on the knee

UnKewln00b wrote:

How does it feel anons Pony thread denizens? Knowing that in a few weeks we'll be having a new episode of Pone every week until May/June/July (don't exactly know which but considering Season 2 ended in April and this season starts two months later than Season 2 it'll probably end in June)? It feels great doesn't it, I'll leave you all to your Poners in peace Get it? Poners! Pony + Boners! OH HO HO HO HO that's so clever it slaps me on the knee

I cannot wait to jack off non-sexually for another season, knowing you guys will be doing it with me. Stay classy, Ponythread.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 07:56PM EDT

@Spoiled Spoilers
I think the main reason this happens is because of the shitty HTML coding that has to get used. I ain't got time to remember all those greater than and less than signs and what has to get put in which quotation marks.

What would be really helpful is if there was some kind of drop down menu or something next to the "Post a reply" box that showed all the HTML for easy copy/pasting instead of having to spend three minutes opening a new tab, going on the Forums, clicking on RandomMan's textile thread, scrolling down to find the right code, and then copypasting it.

Verbose said:

…my role as moderator…

So you did come out of retirement. You just couldn't stand to see the >raping power of Blue
Screen go unchecked. Soon, you'll establish a KYM Whig Party to oppose him that'll elect a new moderator who'll promptly die a month after assuming mod duties, sending the site into a constitutional crisis over succession rules.

Kewlb00b said:

…new episode of Pone every week until May/June/July…

>implying Filly won't start right when S4 ends and you have to either face withdrawal or 3D ponies and tea parties

Gotta give credit to /mlp/ for trying to spoil the hype with pessimism. I would laugh so hard if their "PRINCESS Twilight Dues Ex Machina's the Everfree Forest away and turns it into her Kingdom" theory is proven correct. It is a little disturbing how much sense it could make. The bookends of it being where Twilight's journey to becoming a Princess started (if you consider defeating NMM as the start) and now where she rules would be just too sweet. Then there's the fact she could make Ponyville it's Capital, thus fulfilling McCarthy's "she'll stay in Ponyville" promise (and adding to /mlp/'s rage by once again weaseling her way out of being caught lying). Hasbro would be all for it, too, with the "Evefree Kingdom Playset" and other toys guaranteeing their support. We shall see.

EDIT: I still don't understand why you can't use apostrophes in spoiler titles. How will we differentiate between what's possessive/a contraction and what's plural?

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 08:02PM EDT

@ Textile and spoilers
I agree with xTSGx, a box/note next to the reply box or even a button wich lead to a new tab with the textile codes, it can be very helpful and a nice form to avoid disasters, and spoilers of course.

Guys, with all this suppositions, spoilers and fancy ideas about S4 we can make our own MLP, with more derpy.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 08:52PM EDT

Oh yeah? What about, THIS!!!

Oh umm… did that get there? Heh heh, don't call the cops. Trust me, it WAS supposed to be a picture of Derpy wearing a derby but…..

In all due seriousness it's pretty sad that when I log onto Derpibooru there are like 10 of these foalcon spoiler tags on the front page…..seriously brony artists, this gets pretty fucking creepy.

Last edited Oct 24, 2013 at 11:24PM EDT
I agree with xTSGx, a box/note next to the reply box or even a button wich lead to a new tab with the textile codes, it can be very helpful and a nice form to avoid disasters, and spoilers of course.

Well, it's certainly not a bad idea. In fact, it'd be a very convenient one.

The only issue with that is that this is the only thread that is consistently concerned with spoilers. Other threads about shows don't stay active for as long or as much. Most thread on the whole aren't concerned with spoilers at all. So it might be of very limited use relatively.
That said, KYM has shown an interest in spoilers, shall we say, so I don't think it's a bad suggestion. Perhaps we should bring that up, RM? It wouldn't be hard to change the line above her to include the spoiler tag, would it?
That said, regardless of what comes of that, still spoiler your things. Make a bookmark to RM's Textile Thread. Copy it to a Notepad on your Desktop.

It's less about things having to be "just so" and more about not ruining things for your fellow people who don't want to know anything about the upcoming episodes. (On the whole, I don't either, so please don't make me spoiler your things. Some people can glance over it, but when you edit a post, it's just about all you can see.)

Verbose wrote:

I agree with xTSGx, a box/note next to the reply box or even a button wich lead to a new tab with the textile codes, it can be very helpful and a nice form to avoid disasters, and spoilers of course.

Well, it's certainly not a bad idea. In fact, it'd be a very convenient one.

The only issue with that is that this is the only thread that is consistently concerned with spoilers. Other threads about shows don't stay active for as long or as much. Most thread on the whole aren't concerned with spoilers at all. So it might be of very limited use relatively.
That said, KYM has shown an interest in spoilers, shall we say, so I don't think it's a bad suggestion. Perhaps we should bring that up, RM? It wouldn't be hard to change the line above her to include the spoiler tag, would it?
That said, regardless of what comes of that, still spoiler your things. Make a bookmark to RM's Textile Thread. Copy it to a Notepad on your Desktop.

It's less about things having to be "just so" and more about not ruining things for your fellow people who don't want to know anything about the upcoming episodes. (On the whole, I don't either, so please don't make me spoiler your things. Some people can glance over it, but when you edit a post, it's just about all you can see.)

Excellent suggestion, i will copy the codes right up and i will keep an eye in what i post.

About the textile note/box, it could be a like a mini-guide to textile for all the threads. Next to the "post a reply" box with the most used/common codes lines (!image!, font size, font color, fonts, buttons, etc). In others words, when you post a comment in a X thread, next to you, you have a mini-guide to textile with the most used/ common codes lines or like a said before, a button which lead to a page with the codes or to the RandomMan post. But it sounds utopic anyway. For now copy the codes is the best option.

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 12:51AM EDT

UnKewln00b wrote:

Oh come on you casuals guys, show some brony pride! There's no hat that can out hat a Fedora

Bow down to the fedora, if you must wear a fedora you must wear it with casual clothes.

Gah, not this fedora BS again…
I swear the parodies are more obsessed with them than the people they're mocking, not to mention how ridiculous it is to mock someone for wearing a certain type of hat.
Plus if you hate dumb looking hats so much, shouldn't you be trying to lynch Applejack?

Who insults the mighty fedora?!

The Fedora: Official Hat of Adventurers Everywhere!

@Kewl's Foalcon tag
You're not kidding, man.
I mean, look at what I found under that tag:

Why would you click on this button?!
I just said it was foalcon and you still clicked on it?!
What is wrong with you?!

Absolutely disgusting…

@Spoiler tags
Also, just to point it out, there is also a little link right above the Reply box at the bottom of this (and every) forum page that says 'What is Textile?' that takes you directly to a Wikipedia page containing all the different codes.
Just another alternative for those who don't want to look up the thread each time.
So really, there's no excuse for not using them.

And remember that if you do, Random's going to come along and edit your posts to-


Wait, what just happened?

Verbose said:

The only issue with that is that this is the only thread that is consistently concerned with spoilers. Other threads about shows don’t stay active for as long or as much. Most thread on the whole aren’t concerned with spoilers at all. So it might be of very limited use relatively.

It doesn't just have to be the spoiler tag. You could include the other two members of the HTML Trinity of Evil: the link code, and font size/color.

I'm surprised no one's posted this yet.

Weird, you say?


I think both hats will fetch you hate.

Whether its a trilby or a fedora, people know you are wearing it just for faux classiness and judge accordingly

The only way to wear either hat without getting hate is to wear it properly with the appropriate formal suit. No cargo shorts, no shirts with masochist slogans and no bumfluff

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 08:17AM EDT

@ The Monstrosities Posted by xTSGx Above
Oh, dear God! Ostrich mode, activate!

@ Nightmare Night
Ah… I love the atmosphere of the holiday! The candy… the costumes which provide for some creative fornicating ;), and the effort people put in to make it like that!

@ Hats

@ Spoiler Buttons
I'm just gonna go ahead and post clop pony mating rituals research on equines.

Oh, and this one too.

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 08:21AM EDT

Haha! YES! I got the MLP game working again! Thanks goes out to everyone who still sent me hearts while I was away. Now let's see how Ponyville has been getting alo-

@Thisisn'taboutyouthisisaboutmygiant HATS

Why not just wear ALL the hats?

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 08:24AM EDT

@BSoD: How about an Indiana Jones style outfit? I'm sure that could fit. And now I just noticed Daring Do doesn't wear a IJ-esque fedora…

@Mark: I love Pimp Hat, It's very modern eccentric!

@Stunt: Ask that to Joseph Joestar:

Someone really needs to ponify some good ol' Jojo…

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 08:26AM EDT

Hats, huh? You know, I actually saw a FiM hat a little while ago. It looked something like this:

Not gonna lie, I kind of wanted it. Of course, that would mean that I would have had to have stolen it from the little kid that was wearing it…

A while back there was some talk of spoilers… is that happening again? I've gotta be careful. I managed to avoid them for pretty much all of season 3, so let's see if I can continue that legacy.

All of my wat. That picture will give me nightmares.

@Rinsin: Both are victims of the hate-on the Internet seems to have now.
And I'm pretty sure there IS MLP JoJo stuff, I think I've seen some.

@Mark: looks at the NSFW picture Of COURSE it's sexy Lyra! :P

As for favorite hats, mine are Fezzes and Turbans with Top Hats, Bowlers and Pimp Hats as runner ups. All for the same reason, I find them oddly amusing.

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Wait, do people hate fedoras or trilbies? Everyone tends to mistake the 2.


Oh no, people don't hate Fedoras, Fedoras are awesome. The joke is just the fact that internet dwellers (Bronies, the 'Radical Atheists on the internet', those guys who are on that Men's Rights trend above us etc. etc.) wear Fedoras everywhere. But they don't wear the Fedoras with a matching suit or anything, they just wear it with casual clothing AND they don't know that only certain people can pull off a Fedora, like people who wear their Fedoras with a suit, or Notch the guy who made Minecraft.

But seriously have you ever been to a Brony Meetup? Fedoras are fucking everywhere over there.

Don't mind me I'm just here to get the mental image of my blastoise plowing a slowpoke to pass his 31 special attack iv out of my head.

I've been having a difficult time switching from Pokemon mode back to pony mode lately. Anyways what did I -

I saw that leaked awhile ago myself and I think it's a pretty cool premise. I love when stories do that whole "It was there the whole time just being spoopy BUT NOW IT'S OUT FOR BLOOD!" Kinda thing. It's neat.

>inb4 someone links me to a T.V tropes article about that

>inb4 people humanize new best villain Everfree Forest as a wispy forest babe and make porn of her

I'm sure zecora will help the mane 6 in this episode since the princesses won't be around to apparently. She probably even knows why the forest just up and decided to be a total dick.


Fact – Fedora is only acceptable when worn by bat pone.


we all know applejack and her family do the lynching.

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 01:16PM EDT

I don't know about anyone else, but if I ever get incredibly rich, I'm going to go out and buy one of those really ritzy suits with the vest and suit jacket, a gold pocket watch, a top hat, and an actual prescription monocle (for my myopia) and then I'm just going to go to the store and buy cheap store brand groceries with coupons and record everyone's reaction.

@Spoiler tags. Oh dear, looks like everyone here think they can post all the NSFW pone they want as long as they Spoiler Tag it. Oh my, this won't end well. Oh well, if you can't beat them (Oh my) join them

What? After that story of the brony getting fired for 'mentioning MLP 3 whole times' just a picture of a Pone seems very unsafe for work to me.

@xTSGx I kinda want to do that too, except I'd go to McDonald's everyday for lunch buying only Dollar menu and a small fry. Then I stroll out of the McDonald's with my solid gold cane (I own it for the bragging rights, not for the fact that I actually need one) being twirled around smacking any peasant who decides to stand too close to my richness and hop on an old timey bicycle.

Then I'm off to an inner city where I'll buy cheap weed off a trashy looking drug dealer.

@Red Screen. It is time, what the prophecy has foretold has finally come true. The Mortal Enemy of Blue Screen of Death has arrived to the KYM Pone boards where the two will have an epic battle of epic proportions to decide who will be the Pone worth cumming in and the fate of the entire world itself………Taking all bets people!

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 07:39PM EDT

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