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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users


looks like everyone here think they can post all the NSFW pone they want as long as they Spoiler Tag it.

Because they can. As long as it isn't porn and it's tagged, we'll allow it. All the stuff they are posting is already tagged in the image gallery anyway.

Just to be clear: Softcore stuff like swimwear/underwear is okay. But anything graphic will receive a swift post-deletion

The Mortal Enemy of Blue Screen of Death has arrived to the KYM Pone boards where the two will have an epic battle of epic proportions

Would me and my clone fight against each other?

Stop and think for a minute…knowing me, what would the two of me really do?

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 08:28PM EDT

Guys i have a question for all you, ¿did you liked "MLP: Equestria Girls"?

I don't wanna start a fight over this, just wanna know your opinions over the movie.

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 11:19PM EDT

Equestria Girls was a desperate attempt to cash in on the success of Monster High by making a new movie to sell cheap Monster High Knock off dolls. Needless to say I liked it enough to warrant purchasing it on Bluray. I mean for a cheap cash in it….was a lot better than /mlp/ or the people on the KYM Image Gallery saying it's the worst movie of 2013 are saying it is. Though I'm weary about a Spinoff, considering without the magical mirror connecting the worlds there's really no 'magic' in this world anymore so then it would just become The My Little Pony Highschool show.

BSoD said

Would me and my clone fight against each other?

Do you not know what happens when polar opposites meet?! The universe may (or may not) implode from the encounter, the only way to save the very fabric of the universe is to fight to the death until only one Screen (of death) remains. You must prepare for battle Blue, because one can only imagine what Red Screen of Death could bring to Pony thread imagines the thread with sunshine and happiness, all the posters getting along together side by side none of them wanting to cum inside Red Screen of Death Oh my god, how terrifying.

BSoD said yet again:

Stop and think for a minute…knowing me, what would the two of me really do?

Last edited Oct 25, 2013 at 11:47PM EDT

Loli wrote:

Guys i have a question for all you, ¿did you liked "MLP: Equestria Girls"?

I don't wanna start a fight over this, just wanna know your opinions over the movie.

Well, it surpassed my expectations. I'll agree that it wasn't so well structured or logical sequence, I've seen worse (Obviously made to compete directly with Monster High dolls, A smart move, viewing it business wise). If you want a rating, I'll put a 6 out of 10 stars viewing it as a MLP fan, Hasbro could have done better with the story, but meh.

Loli wrote:

Guys i have a question for all you, ¿did you liked "MLP: Equestria Girls"?

I don't wanna start a fight over this, just wanna know your opinions over the movie.

I found Equestria Grils disappointing. I was actually looking forward to seeing this movie before it was posted on youtube. I liked the human designs, I wasn’t offended by the school setting, and I was curious about the new villain, Sunset Shimmer. Then I saw the movie and, well, I think the writers did the best they could, but this wasn’t the “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” movie that I wanted. The story wasn’t terrible, but there were a lot of things I didn’t like. I didn’t like the songs, Sunset Shimmer’s backstory was too vague, and I didn’t care about Brad Sentry and I don’t want to see him again in the show.

So in answer to your question: No. I didn’t like Equestria Girls. But if you liked it, that’s fine.

I thought it was fine. I tended to look at it the same way I look at the alt-universe Dragon Ball movies. Also the final scene was pretty nifty.

Just wished Sunset Shimmer and Flash Gordon Sentry had more screentime.

10 things I learnt from playing the MLP game for about seven hours to get brad Flash Sentry:

1. I have too much free time.
2. I have too much free time.
3. There is no way that I can see to get Flash within the week-long time limit that they gave unless you're right there to start dancing as soon as the option comes up or you buy more gems, so don't even bother trying it that way.
4. You can "help time along" by changing the clock on your device.
5. I have too much time on my hands.
6. For some reason I'm better at dancing when using Applejack.

7. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight are all dancing commando.

Twilights wins by a landslide.

No proof of Fluttershy due to the length of her dress, but I think we can just assume at this point. She's pretty close to nature, so…
8. I'm apparently not quite as over that addiction as I thought I was.
9. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing this screen:

10. Nothing is more disheartening than seeing that there is another set after him.

I'm going to assume that the prizes that come after are just some more ponies that you would normally have to buy. Either way, I'm not doing that again… plus I need to have a serious think about my life. With ice-cream.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 01:11AM EDT

@ MLP Spinoff
LOL. Really? I will give it a chance but i think "The gold rule of sequels" applies for spinoffs too.
@MLP: Equestria Girls

I liked the movie and i enjoyed it.

In a personal opinion

I really hope that, someday someone make a MLP movie with a epic story like kind of "lord of the ring" . You know, pony ville is menaced by a new and evil villian, they have to make a trip to save pony ville and equestria, their friendship is in danger and they have some short of friendship crisis, one by one discovers the meaning of friendship, they get together again and face the villian, they lose, they use the power of friendship again and win. Prologue in which is show Pony ville and Equestria in peace and all became alicorns and they all get ready for the next adventure.

It will we awesome if someone does it.

Or maybe i should go to bed.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 01:19AM EDT

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

%{color:green}>Your face when S4 premiers on the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination%

Except that it doesn't. The Kennedy assassination was on November 22nd, not November 23rd.

Guys, while I've pretty much given up on seeing any sort of meaningful conversation here until we either get more spoilers/the show airs, could you please shrink your image sizes? We've had this talk before, and there's no need to post a 4000×6000 px image on a thread with a some-700 px width limit. Add in other people posting huge vectors too, and all it does is slow the page loading down.

If you need to, I think PostImage has a resize option that you can use. If you want to link out to the original, use

<a href="LinkURL"><img src="ImageURL"></a>

That will make your image clickable, and link to the original piece.

Sorry to be the downer here, but some of those multiple high-res vector posts are getting old.

Have a resized absurd resolution image to make this post notable:

Crap. I'm getting as irascible as Verbose.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 01:43AM EDT


I wasn't aware that it was the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination this November, that explains why when I talk to people about Doctor Who, people have been giving me strange looks when I've told them that "I'm pumped for the 50th Anniversary and that I'm going to spend the whole day in costume… " Knowing of the assassination anniversary, I'll now make sure when saying 50th anniversary I strictly mention I'm talking about a TV show..


Although I have no clue of spin-off possibilities, but they could always go the route that many kid shows go with "There is magic but no one knows about it apart from magical people". I mean.. We don't need the mirror to have Twilight in that universe, because there already is a Twilight in that universe as Pinkie mentions to pony Twilight "Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?". I wouldn't mind more content set in that universe since I did enjoy the movie. Though the scene where Pinkie makes fun of Twilight's handwriting, and then does it again felt strange to me, I dunno it just felt out of character, Pony Pinkie Pie wouldn't of said that regardless of how bad it was on the fear of hurting someones feelings.. Also I still don't get why Spikes a dog… I'd enjoyed the movie more if he were a child like the CMC were.. Though I suppose that would suggest that Twilight is a teen mum.. Though they could have just said they were cousins or something.

Stunthead wrote:

10 things I learnt from playing the MLP game for about seven hours to get brad Flash Sentry:

1. I have too much free time.
2. I have too much free time.
3. There is no way that I can see to get Flash within the week-long time limit that they gave unless you're right there to start dancing as soon as the option comes up or you buy more gems, so don't even bother trying it that way.
4. You can "help time along" by changing the clock on your device.
5. I have too much time on my hands.
6. For some reason I'm better at dancing when using Applejack.

7. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight are all dancing commando.

Twilights wins by a landslide.

No proof of Fluttershy due to the length of her dress, but I think we can just assume at this point. She's pretty close to nature, so…
8. I'm apparently not quite as over that addiction as I thought I was.
9. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing this screen:

10. Nothing is more disheartening than seeing that there is another set after him.

I'm going to assume that the prizes that come after are just some more ponies that you would normally have to buy. Either way, I'm not doing that again… plus I need to have a serious think about my life. With ice-cream.

Why would you want to unlock Flash Sentry? He'll just steal your waifu. At least he won't steal mine since he's so preoccupied with stealing Twilight.

@Equestria Girls
EqG was… meh.
No where near the apocalypse that people predicted, but certainly not all that great.
I think I actually liked the opening section where they we still ponies and Twilight was dorking it up more than anything else.
Having been without new pony for so long, it was a nice return to form… even if it then quickly jumped to another style entirely.

What are you, Verbose's evil twin?

Ah yes, welcome back to the unholy time-sink that is the Gameloft MLP game.
Enjoy your stay!

A few sights to see:

7. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight are all dancing commando.

<div class=spoiler title="You sure about that?">

I'm not sure what is weirder: The fact that some 3D designer had to go in and draw panties on these dancing horse-people, or that we are actually noticing…

No wait…

Yeah, we're the weird ones.

As for the actual dance game, yeah, it does reset once a week and offer up a pony for completing the bar in time.
Mine is trying to entice me with Pipsqueak, but considering the crazy number of gems you have to invest to finish that progress bar on time, I'd rather just spend the 12 that Pip normally costs and skip all the crap!

Also, more Nightmare Night stuff!
Be sure to buy Dinky (known only as 'Fire Chief') while you can as well as the Apple-Bobbing booth.
<div class=spoiler title="Click on it for a surprise!">

Yep, (low-res) Derpy is hanging out in the apple pool!
Luckily, she doesn't drain it this time.
I guess she learned her lesson.

Keeping with the Dinky theme, the artist and secondary voice actor on the Rainbow Dash Presents series just launched a new Youtube channel:

Who keeps letting these kids on the internet?!
('Hearts' is adorable!)

Oh please. You think I'm not counting on him stealing Twilight while I take Rainbow and make a clean getaway? You might be thinking "But I wanted Rainbow Dash!" Well too bad. You didn't mention her by name, so I get first dibs. And as the kids say, finders keepers losers weepers. Get with it, old fogie.

Ah, but you see, the clothes in your pictures aren't ball dresses, and the clothes in mine are. Everyone knows that kids these days don't wear underwear to the ball. Get with-er it, older fogie.

Blue Screen said:

Because they can. As long as it isn’t porn and it’s tagged, we’ll allow it. All the stuff they are posting is already tagged in the image gallery anyway.

Just to be clear: Softcore stuff like swimwear/underwear is okay. But anything graphic will receive a swift post-deletion

inb4 the Google Trade Federation launches a Adsense embargo on the Cheezeburger Empire, forcing it to submit to its will and join the Kingdom of TV Tropes and Principality of Fimfiction as one of its fiefdoms.

Would me and my clone fight against each other?

>not have clone sex/masturbation

What kind of thread do you think this is?

Loliamnyancat said:

¿did you liked “MLP: Equestria Girls”?

I thought it was an abominable waste that showed the worst that could happen.

  • The Mane Five are at each other's throats not because of Sunset's cunning evilness, but because they're all too stupid to actually talk to each other and instead take messages over the internet as the gospel truth.
  • Either Sunset can forge phone numbers to send texts and hack email addresses or the Mane Five are even stupider and haven't even bothered to confirm what each other's information is. Either way, it's bad.
  • The event that snapped my Suspension of Disbelief had to be when Vice-Principle Luna couldn't even tell that the pictures she was given had been literally cut and glued together arts-and-crafts style.
  • How did no one notice a teenager living inside a school for three days? You'd think security or a janitor would report Twilight or escort her out.
  • What did Twilight eat? School's only serve lunch and since she doesn't have any money that means she was only getting a few hundred calories a day. I suppose the Mane Five could have fed her, but that still doesn't account for the twelve plus hours she'd be in the locked school overnight.
  • How does the Element of Magic work with someone who isn't it's bearer? More importantly, if the Element that represents friendship could work with someone as bitchy and friendless as Sunset, why couldn't the Elements work with the discorded!Mane Six?
  • If the mirror was kept in the throne room, why wasn't it seen a single time on S1 or 2?
  • one of the most important pieces of national defense, equivalent to a nuclear football, has been stolen. Why isn't a military strike team going through to retrieve it?
  • even more "six-year-old girl friendly," why is Twilight given absolutely nothing to help her. No money. No "oh, by the way, you'll change species". No book on human behavior that was no doubt written the last time the mirror turned on. It's almost like Celestia wanted Twilight to fail miserably.
  • why didn't Twilight just tell the school that it was her crown? Even if it doesn't work, it can't hurt to ask and avoid a Poor Communication Kills situation.
  • why did Celestia let an unregistered adult wander into a school and enter a prom contest without verifying her identity or, hell, even her age? If she assumed it was that world's Twilight, then why would she need to grant permission to enter the contest, if the student's already in the school?
  • why are the CMC in High School?
  • Sunset has the worst evil plan I have ever seen (trumping Ghetsis' horribly complicated and idiotic "ban all Pokemon" plan):
    • She possesses mind control abilities and, instead of walking into the UN General Assembly and taking over the world so she can use the world's military to take over Equestria, she mind controls, at most, a few hundred teenagers to conquer a country with a population in the millions. I know the Royal Guard are bad, but surely even they could zerg rush unarmed teenagers.
    • She thinks that the second a few mind controlled slaves go through the portal, Celestia and Luna won't simply push a couch in front of it and thwart her whole invasion. Choke points are a defender's wet dream.
    • If she can mind control, why doesn't she just do it to Celestia and Luna?
    • Why doesn't the mind control work on Twilight and company?
  • Sunset thinks she can destroy an ad hoc quantum portal that's capable of transporting solid matter, by throwing a sledgehammer into it.
  • Why does everything still have horse puns when they're not miniature horses?
  • Twilight's seen and witnesses technology decades more advanced than Equestria, and instead shrugs it off, not even bothering to take notes.

That's why I dislike EqG and hope whoever thought it up at Hasbro gets the axe. 0.5/10. Would downvote, unfavorite, and write "do not read" in my Fanfiction Reading Update blog post if on Fimfiction.

The thing that really baffles me about it is how it doesn't even make sense from Hasbro's perspective. Market share is not an easy thing to get. They've had to spend millions of dollars in marketing and production on a product to try and chip away a little at Monster High. It makes even less sense when you consider they're using the MLP brand name. What self respecting "adult" girl is going to want to be associated with ponies (even if it's only INO) when she can have cool vampires and zombies or whatever other shit's in Monster High?

Concise said:

I tended to look at it the same way I look at the alt-universe Dragon Ball movies.

>thinking it can be ignored as "not canon"

Canon has come to reap the sins of the Fandom. It's our punishment for Tyrantlestia and Scootabuse.

Loliamnyancat said:

@ MLP Spinoff
LOL. Really? I will give it a chance but i think “The gold rule of sequels” applies for spinoffs too.

What spinoff? There's not a spinoff. If you're referring to Filly , that's not related to MLP at all. It's a new show based on a European pony toy (read: MLP ripoff). If you're referring to the Rainboom trademark Hasbro filed a few months ago, we still don;t know what that's about. Could be a toy line. Could be Dashicorn.

…or could be Wonderbolts.

Oh look, more HTML to copy/paste. What fun.

Deadparrot222 said:

Ah yes, welcome back to the unholy time-sink that is the Gameloft MLP game.

That reminds me. I have to continue my expedition to find a Nether Fortress tomorrow. I'll try to follow the wiki's advice and go North/South.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 06:51AM EDT

@Equestria Girls

I think what Megan means is that though it happened, they are never going to speak of it again.

In other words… The entire thing is a giant Big Lipped Alligator Moment.

It will be a long time before anyone has to confront its existence.


>not have clone sex/masturbation
What kind of thread do you think this is?

Precisely the question I was asking to this thread, my good TSG. Because what good is a clone if you cant be clones with benefits? (Just imagine how much those Stormtroopers got it on)


Oh, I think we know…

You know that I knew that you would know

(Told you I would make this eventually)


Guys i have a question for all you, ¿did you liked “MLP: Equestria Girls”?
I don’t wanna start a fight over this, just wanna know your opinions over the movie

I never watched it. It didn't interest me.

I could tell from the very beginning that it was going to be a kid-flick like those Barbie movies and my expectations of it were accordingly. My expectation were confirmed the moment I saw the synopsis and so I abandoned EqG to the kids.

While everyone else shitstormed over it, I played Starcraft 2 and drew ponies. So my opinion of it is simply "It's a kids movie". I have nothing to say of it, good or bad

So if you enjoyed it, all the more power to you. For those who didn't: frankly, what did you expect?

I know that EqG was made with the Bronies in mind as I recall from a former tweet from the creators, however it's execution was precisely that of every other childrens franchise movie made in history and we can see this from TSG's review of it.

It may have been made because of us, but it certainly wasn't made for us. Not for pedantic, nit-picking, cynical, internet chair-loaves like ourselves anyway. It was made for the purest form of MLP fans (the kids, parents of those kids and…people who aren't finicky I guess).

I wouldn't say it was an abominable waste, exactly. Some people got a kick out of it and I'm sure it brightened up a little girls day…maybe. At he very least it kicked off Hasbro's new EqG spinoff toy rangehehehahahahaha…sorry. I'm making myself laugh here. Yea that thing bombed.

But oh well, the show creators had some fun right?

@Moon Moon

Guys, while I’ve pretty much given up on seeing any sort of meaningful conversation here until we either get more spoilers/the show airs, could you please shrink your image sizes? We’ve had this talk before, and there’s no need to post a 4000×6000 px image on a thread with a some-700 px width limit. Add in other people posting huge vectors too, and all it does is slow the page loading down.

Oh don't be so negative. We're having discussion right now.

But in any I back up this message. We're definitely having issues with massive images being posting on this thread and it's causing problems for posters with mobile devices and browsers that aren't Firefox

We've already got the Max 3 images per post guideline but remember it isn't just the number of images that matter, it's their actual size in pixels in the original link

Everyone, please resize large vectors before posting them here. Any image that's bigger than your monitor (I.E: 2000x 1600) is too big. You might be fooled into thinking the images shrink automatically because they can't exceed the dimensions of the thread, but they don't.

Your browser simply zooms out the image until it fits the thread, but you are still loading the entire full-size image at whatever pixels it is in the link.

Moons image resizing link is a good suggestion

You can also just upload to KYM, which I believe does part of the resizing for you



It's Crazy Moon.

We call just call him Moon.

Kewlbewbs wrote:

Why would you want to unlock Flash Sentry? He’ll just steal your waifu.

Too late.

He stole all our waifus.

RandomMan wrote:

Kewlbewbs wrote:

Why would you want to unlock Flash Sentry? He’ll just steal your waifu.

Too late.

He stole all our waifus.


@Equestria Girls: I found it enjoyable, but took it as non-canon. I mean, remember when AJ said "hand" in MMC? Yeah, there's really no way it could be canon after that.

@TSG: Actually, thanks to the latest Dragon Ball movie, Battle of Gods, all of the non-canon movies and filler are canon now in some form.

Also, if people want to know, I'm just a man who speaks shortly.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 11:45AM EDT

Luna Protege wrote:

@Equestria Girls

I think what Megan means is that though it happened, they are never going to speak of it again.

In other words… The entire thing is a giant Big Lipped Alligator Moment.

It will be a long time before anyone has to confront its existence.

As someone who liked Equestria Girls, I still see it as non-cannon, there's too many issues with Twilight going into that world and then coming back and unless it's mentioned in the actual show, there's just no reason to believe it actually happened and that is why no one ever talks about it. I view it as a "what if?" kind of story that takes place after Pinkie passes out after consuming too much sugar.. That's right the whole movie was all in Pinkie's mind, which is how human Pinkie Pie knew about Equestria, the elements of harmony, and Twilight being a pony princess from another world as well as the magical portal.. So yeah, I view the movie as an extension of Pinkie's imagination.

Equestria Girls is a movie where the more you think about it the quicker it falls apart.. So I decided to just enjoy it and to never think about it too much, it's a rare moment for me where I just think ignorance is bliss.

it was nice to see new content. Twilight was hilarious and alot of people seemed to like the cafeteria song. I lel'd a bit, I cringed a bit, and all in all I'd say it could have been alot worse.

6/10 dun care beyond that lol.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 01:22PM EDT

Stunthead wrote:

Oh please. You think I'm not counting on him stealing Twilight while I take Rainbow and make a clean getaway? You might be thinking "But I wanted Rainbow Dash!" Well too bad. You didn't mention her by name, so I get first dibs. And as the kids say, finders keepers losers weepers. Get with it, old fogie.

Ah, but you see, the clothes in your pictures aren't ball dresses, and the clothes in mine are. Everyone knows that kids these days don't wear underwear to the ball. Get with-er it, older fogie.

Who says Rainbow Dash is mai waifu? She's my 'on the side' pony (HINT: That means I screw her on the side)

That's right, I'm a 'Derpy is mai waifu' guy because she'd probably be pretty neat.

Oh, and I found something (while looking for that picture of Mai Waifu) that both gets me a little excited but after seeing some 'fan episodes' has me pretty weary.

Man this thing could go either way at this point…..I just hope it's not an hour long Double Rainboom, Inb4 Powerpuff Girls come to exact their revenge on Equestria……and of course a Scootachicken joke that's about as subtle as an oncoming freight train. MAN am I pessimistic about this already and I've only seen the logo! Still waiting to see how /mlp/'s episode is going, maybe I'll go check in on them to see how their fan episode is coming along. Oh /mlllllp/ anybody home?

Time to back away slowly.

@Kewlb00b As aways there is the good fan made cartoons, that actually have some quality in its making (that Button short, Flufflepuff stuff) and the bad…
First, who or what is Harmon? Are you sure it's not another animation showing the OC and/or fanfic of the creator? Let's say the story of this so called "movie" is about's the last chance Harmon have of conquer Rainbow Dash's love before she leaves to Wonderbolt Academy in Fillydelphia forever!
The real story can really be anything, but I'm betting into some fanfic/OC ham…

About them plots… Yes.

@Mike: Hum, something I just noticed about Luna's is that it goes with the rhythm of nearly all the songs I have. Nice

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 04:31PM EDT

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

@Kewlb00b As aways there is the good fan made cartoons, that actually have some quality in its making (that Button short, Flufflepuff stuff) and the bad…
First, who or what is Harmon? Are you sure it's not another animation showing the OC and/or fanfic of the creator? Let's say the story of this so called "movie" is about's the last chance Harmon have of conquer Rainbow Dash's love before she leaves to Wonderbolt Academy in Fillydelphia forever!
The real story can really be anything, but I'm betting into some fanfic/OC ham…

About them plots… Yes.

@Mike: Hum, something I just noticed about Luna's is that it goes with the rhythm of nearly all the songs I have. Nice

Congrats, you found the first big problem with this fan movie. It's called "The Last Stand of Harmony" but thanks to them going "LOL Let's put the cutie marks in as substitutes for actual letters, that'll be creative" you're already going "Who the fuck is Harmon?" this movie sucks already and I hate it……Wow, I'm getting REALLY pessimistic about fanworks recently. Brb, gonna go watch some Flufflepuff.

@The Last Stand of Harmon
Here you go, Kewl.
Judge for yourself.

<div class=spoiler title="IMO">

That trailer doesn't exactly excite me.
Animation looks pretty meh those quotes that pop up are really dorky ('All New Bad Guy,' really?).
No voices were given so that could go either way, but as a lot of people discovered with Double Rainboom, a lot is going to come down to story… and I see three alicorns on that window…

So yeah, something to keep an eye on, but I'm not really getting my hopes too high.

How about some completed animations?

This one is actually pretty cute and the voice actor for Dash is probably one of the best imitators I've heard.

And some good old (brand new) Fluffle Puff for the season:

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 05:37PM EDT

Blue Screen said:


It’s Crazy Moon.

We call just call him Moon.

I know. I used to just copy/paste his name, but I like coming up with alternates to the unicode symbol. Call it a running gag.

Concise said:

Actually, thanks to the latest Dragon Ball movie, Battle of Gods, all of the non-canon movies and filler are canon now in some form.

Oh yeah, I forgot they made another one. That's the one where Goku turns into a Super Duper Alley-ooper Saiyan, right?

That reminds me. When writing a [Comedy] fanfic, don't turn the Night Guard into a pseudo-NSA/DARPA. People don't like that.

Eh, I've always been indifferent toward fan animations. I still haven't seen Children of the Night or the MILF one yet. As for Double Rainboom , it did exactly what I had hoped it would do, which is burn half-an-hour of my day. All the people that break down and analyze the plot and how much tweening of the animation is done remind me of the EqD prereaders who spend so much time breaking down the grammar and structure of a fanfic, that they forget a fanfic's supposed to be entertaining. As in, people break down and analyze Doule Rainboom and completely forget about just sitting their and having fun, or, if they don't like it, clicking the back button and doing something else.

xTSGx wrote:

Blue Screen said:


It’s Crazy Moon.

We call just call him Moon.

I know. I used to just copy/paste his name, but I like coming up with alternates to the unicode symbol. Call it a running gag.

Concise said:

Actually, thanks to the latest Dragon Ball movie, Battle of Gods, all of the non-canon movies and filler are canon now in some form.

Oh yeah, I forgot they made another one. That's the one where Goku turns into a Super Duper Alley-ooper Saiyan, right?

That reminds me. When writing a [Comedy] fanfic, don't turn the Night Guard into a pseudo-NSA/DARPA. People don't like that.

Eh, I've always been indifferent toward fan animations. I still haven't seen Children of the Night or the MILF one yet. As for Double Rainboom , it did exactly what I had hoped it would do, which is burn half-an-hour of my day. All the people that break down and analyze the plot and how much tweening of the animation is done remind me of the EqD prereaders who spend so much time breaking down the grammar and structure of a fanfic, that they forget a fanfic's supposed to be entertaining. As in, people break down and analyze Doule Rainboom and completely forget about just sitting their and having fun, or, if they don't like it, clicking the back button and doing something else.

@EqG: I'll check it out and form my opinion after I check out the show itself. I'll admit I don't have high hopes but I felt the same way about the show itself a while back.
On that note, I'm probably going to actually go ahead and check out the show pretty soon, maybe trying something new might help with my Uni-related emotional problems…

@Re-sizing: I actually have been making a point of re-sizing big pictures using the code in the Textile thread, though admittedly I was just doing this so I wouldn't overwhelm people with over-sized pictures, never thought of loading problems.

@Kewln00b's chosen "waifu": Y-you're kidding, right? Sorry if I missed the joke or something, I just had to ask since (as I mentioned before during the R34 discussion) there seem to be people who are genuinely "into" her.

@Mike: Luna, if you keep shaking your butt like that, it's gonna fall off…

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we have 15 seconds of Season 4 footage courtesy of a tiny promo bumper:
<div class=spoiler title="Do I even need to mention spoilers?">

So, as the synopsis before said, the group is heading back into the Everfree.

You know what I just thought might be interesting?
Back in the Season 1 premiere, it was each pony's unique talent that helped the group make it through the various trials they encountered.
Perhaps, now that she's a princess, Twilight feels greater responsibility to perform on a higher level.
I mean, she has elements of all three pony races now, so she should be able to, right?
Twi spends her time trying to perform feats way outside her specialty and essentially learns that just because she is a princess now doesn't mean that she has to carry everyone else nor does it mean that her friends are useless.
Even the powerful and important need friends to rely on.

Seems like a good lesson in itself, but it would also reinforce the idea that the main six are still the main six and not 'Twilight and Friends' as some have feared by revisiting the setting in which they all first discovered their various talents and friendships.
A callback and an assurance for the future of the series all wrapped up into one.
Just a little running theory.

DeadParrot222 wrote:

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we have 15 seconds of Season 4 footage courtesy of a tiny promo bumper:
<div class=spoiler title="Do I even need to mention spoilers?">

So, as the synopsis before said, the group is heading back into the Everfree.

You know what I just thought might be interesting?
Back in the Season 1 premiere, it was each pony's unique talent that helped the group make it through the various trials they encountered.
Perhaps, now that she's a princess, Twilight feels greater responsibility to perform on a higher level.
I mean, she has elements of all three pony races now, so she should be able to, right?
Twi spends her time trying to perform feats way outside her specialty and essentially learns that just because she is a princess now doesn't mean that she has to carry everyone else nor does it mean that her friends are useless.
Even the powerful and important need friends to rely on.

Seems like a good lesson in itself, but it would also reinforce the idea that the main six are still the main six and not 'Twilight and Friends' as some have feared by revisiting the setting in which they all first discovered their various talents and friendships.
A callback and an assurance for the future of the series all wrapped up into one.
Just a little running theory.

Huh, we also get a few seconds of the new intro in that vidya. Hmm…..interesting.

HADSJFHGSDJFJHGJHJH So many ponies!!!! But why dafuq are Mayor Mare and Snips and Snails doing there? I can understand the Cakes, Big Mac and Granny Smith, Zecora and of course the CMC. Or hell, I can even kinda understand why Snips and Snails are there as they might be getting promoted in terms of screentime. But WHY is Mayor Mare there in the group with everyone? The Pony who is voiced by Cathy Wesluck because they didn't want to pay a brand new actress to say one or two lines every 10 or so episodes.

Lol look at me, Deadparrot starts a conversation about the clip itself while I'm sitting there going OMG THE INTRO!!!! Ain't I a character?

@BSoD: It's the Apocalypse every 3 days at /mlp/. The Danger level there is always at 10. They always have the missiles prepped for launch just in case. They always have 9-1 dialed on their phones at all times. They keep their cyanide pills kept in their wallet next to the old condom that's been sitting there for a year or two now. Same old same old over there. I bet a few of them had a fatal heart attack after seeing that Twilicorn still hasn't been changed back to a unicorn.

Last edited Oct 26, 2013 at 11:54PM EDT

Stunthead wrote:

10 things I learnt from playing the MLP game for about seven hours to get brad Flash Sentry:

1. I have too much free time.
2. I have too much free time.
3. There is no way that I can see to get Flash within the week-long time limit that they gave unless you're right there to start dancing as soon as the option comes up or you buy more gems, so don't even bother trying it that way.
4. You can "help time along" by changing the clock on your device.
5. I have too much time on my hands.
6. For some reason I'm better at dancing when using Applejack.

7. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight are all dancing commando.

Twilights wins by a landslide.

No proof of Fluttershy due to the length of her dress, but I think we can just assume at this point. She's pretty close to nature, so…
8. I'm apparently not quite as over that addiction as I thought I was.
9. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing this screen:

10. Nothing is more disheartening than seeing that there is another set after him.

I'm going to assume that the prizes that come after are just some more ponies that you would normally have to buy. Either way, I'm not doing that again… plus I need to have a serious think about my life. With ice-cream.

I couldn't even get half way…have an extra spoon?


That’s right, I’m a ‘Derpy is mai waifu’ guy because she’d probably be pretty neat.

Well, it looks like between the two of us we have gained both Rainbow AND Derpy. I suggest we trade on the weekends.



You can call people whatever you like, so long as I get to keep calling you "Extisgex." I would have called you "xybutt," but I imagine that would cause a few problems…


@Season four clip
Good to see that Twilight is still an Alicorn (That isn't a spoiler is it? Okay, good). I don't know how they would have changed her back into a unicorn anyway. I did hear one theory about how she could still be staring at King Sombra's door from the start of the third season (which I actually thought was a cool idea), but then again that would pretty much undo everything learnt in the season anyway, which would suck. Glad to see they stuck with it.

@Kewl (again).

You never know. She could become a major character this season, using her political power to start an earth pony movement against the unicorns of Canterlot, eventually resulting in a slow psychological breakdown that eventually hits its peak when she attempts to resurect a dark spirit from Tartarus that immediately betrays her and goes on an uncontrolable rampage through Equestria.

Or maybe it's just because she's cute.

@The Stare Master

Last edited Oct 27, 2013 at 02:43AM EDT

>calling me "Extisgex"
>not calling me "exteeessgeeex"

Do you even spell out letters?

@/mlp/ shitstorm
I don't really think the Twilicorn shitstorm is ever going to truly end. It's like one of those super hurricanes from The Day After Tomorrow that feeds on Hasdrone leers, waifu tears, and Merry Zoo fears to keep itself going forever as an addendum to the ride.

DeadParrot222 wrote:

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we have 15 seconds of Season 4 footage courtesy of a tiny promo bumper:
<div class=spoiler title="Do I even need to mention spoilers?">

So, as the synopsis before said, the group is heading back into the Everfree.

You know what I just thought might be interesting?
Back in the Season 1 premiere, it was each pony's unique talent that helped the group make it through the various trials they encountered.
Perhaps, now that she's a princess, Twilight feels greater responsibility to perform on a higher level.
I mean, she has elements of all three pony races now, so she should be able to, right?
Twi spends her time trying to perform feats way outside her specialty and essentially learns that just because she is a princess now doesn't mean that she has to carry everyone else nor does it mean that her friends are useless.
Even the powerful and important need friends to rely on.

Seems like a good lesson in itself, but it would also reinforce the idea that the main six are still the main six and not 'Twilight and Friends' as some have feared by revisiting the setting in which they all first discovered their various talents and friendships.
A callback and an assurance for the future of the series all wrapped up into one.
Just a little running theory.

From what I see, the new intro looks nice. I like how they added Zecora and the CMC, but I'd have to agree about Mayor Mare, Snips, Snails, and the Cakes. Are they really important enough to be in the intro?

As for the actual episode, it's coming along quite nicely. I think the stained-glass window of Twilight in the castle is a nice touch, and the whole thing simply looks interesting. What were those storm clouds Dashie was dealing with, though? And why did they have spikes?


Behold, the first picture posted on the KYM Image gallery for teh Pone.

Granted, she COULD be talking about the right way to get to the chocolatey center of a tootsie roll pop. Ehhh still sounds NSFW.

Last edited Oct 27, 2013 at 01:08PM EDT

@Jimmys picture of ~CRT1000

I'll give him a 2/10, made me search for that GIF and his name on google

Kewln00b wrote:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I sort of liked it, it wasn't as bad as it was made to be. Would watch again.

@Darth Hypocriticus

Last edited Oct 27, 2013 at 06:11PM EDT

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